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SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十六) decrepit����� adj. 衰老的,破旧的 wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age decrepit←→vigorous dedication��� n. 奉献,致力,献辞 a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose bigot=dedication=rage:anger zeal:dedication={mesmeric:interest} dabble←→dedicate/devote dault������ n. & v. 拖欠,违约,欠缺,默认,缺省 a failure to pay financial debts dault:pay=yield:resist derence���� n. 敬意,尊重 respect and esteem due a superior or an elder;� also :affected or ingratiating regard for another&aposs wishes der:leader=admire:hero derential:offend=scornful:respect intransigent:acquiesce=derential:offend frugal:penurious=derence:sycophant impudent←→derential/respectful diciency��� n. 缺乏,不足 an amount that is lacking or inadequate:SHORTAGE surfeit←→diciency dile������� v.弄污,弄脏� n.(山间)小道 a narrow passage or gorge precipice:steepness=dile:narrowness doliate���� vt.vi. (使)落叶 to deprive of leaves especially prematurely doliate:tree=insecticide:insect draud������ vt. 欺骗� to deprive of something by deception or fraud dt���� adj. 灵巧的,熟练的(dt) ? characterized by facility and skill craven:admirable=dt:awkward maladroit:dt=voluble:verse dt←→maladroit duse������� vt. 放松,抚慰,减轻 to make less harmful, potent, or tense duse←→foment dy���� vt. 藐视,挑衅,使落空 to challenge to do something considered impossible:DARE acquiesce←→dy 副标题#e# dehydrate���� vt. (使)脱水(n. dehydration) to remove bound water or hydrogen and oxygen from (a chemical compound) in the proportion in which they form water abraded:friction=desiccated:dehydration dehydrate:water=wither:vitality=fade:brightening fatigue:rest=dehydration:water reconstitute←→dehydrate deject������� vt. 使沮丧,使灰心 to make gloomy mollify:anger=hearted:dejection dejected←→exultant deleterious�� adj. (对身心)有害的,有毒的 harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way wholesome←→deleterious deleterious←→salutary/salubrious deliberate��� a.深思熟虑的;审慎的 to think about or discuss issues and decisions carully apophasis:claim=caprice:deliberate hasty←→characterized by deliberation hasty←→deliberate impetuous←→deliberate delicacy����� n. 细软,精致,精美的食品,娇气 the quality or state of being dainty:FINENESS delicacy←→crudity husky←→delicate delinquent��� n. 行为不良的人,流氓 offending by neglect or violation of duty or of law delirium����� n.精神错乱,发狂 a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations coma:unconsciousness=delirium:confusion


SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十六) decrepit����� adj. 衰老的,破旧的 wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age decrepit←→vigorous dedication��� n. 奉献,致力,献辞 a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose bigot=dedication=rage:anger zeal:dedication={mesmeric:interest} dabble←→dedicate/devote dault������ n. & v. 拖欠,违约,欠缺,默认,缺省 a failure to pay financial debts dault:pay=yield:resist derence���� n. 敬意,尊重 respect and esteem due a superior or an elder;� also :affected or ingratiating regard for another&aposs wishes der:leader=admire:hero derential:offend=scornful:respect intransigent:acquiesce=derential:offend frugal:penurious=derence:sycophant impudent←→derential/respectful diciency��� n. 缺乏,不足 an amount that is lacking or inadequate:SHORTAGE surfeit←→diciency dile������� v.弄污,弄脏� n.(山间)小道 a narrow passage or gorge precipice:steepness=dile:narrowness doliate���� vt.vi. (使)落叶 to deprive of leaves especially prematurely doliate:tree=insecticide:insect draud������ vt. 欺骗� to deprive of something by deception or fraud dt���� adj. 灵巧的,熟练的(dt) ? characterized by facility and skill craven:admirable=dt:awkward maladroit:dt=voluble:verse dt←→maladroit duse������� vt. 放松,抚慰,减轻 to make less harmful, potent, or tense duse←→foment dy���� vt. 藐视,挑衅,使落空 to challenge to do something considered impossible:DARE acquiesce←→dy 上12下


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