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SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十六),SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十六) decrepit adj. 衰老的,破旧的 wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age decrepitvigorous dedication n. 奉献,致力,献辞 a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose
随着澳大利亚的高等教育日益受到国际学生的青睐,越来越多的学生希望通过留学提升自己的学术水平。在众多的申请要求中,SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)考试成为了许多学校的一个重要考量指标。本文将为计划留学澳大利亚的学生提供一份关于SAT考试的全攻略。
SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十四),SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十四) culpable adj.该受谴责的 meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful exemplary:imitation=culpable:blame culpableinnocent cultivated a. 耕耘的,栽植的,有教养的 REFINED, EDUCAT
SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十五),SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十五) dappled a. 斑纹的,花的 marked with small spots or patches contrasting with the background striated:groove=mottled/dappled:spot daredevil n. 铤而走险的人,不怕死的人 a recklessly bold person p
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(二十),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(二十) carouse vi. 痛饮,畅饮 to drink liquor deeply or freely roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw carp vi. 吹毛求疵,挑剔 to find fault or complain querulously caviler:carping=libertine:licentious
SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十三),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十三) bamboozle v. 欺骗,隐瞒 to deceive by underhanded methods:DUPE, HOODWINK ban n. 禁令 to prohibit especially by legal means ban:protect banal a.陈腐的 lacking originality, freshness, or no
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(十九),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(十九) callus n. 皮肤的硬结,胼胝,(植物伤口的)愈合组织 a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin or bark gully:erosion=callus:friction calorie n. 卡路里 the amount of heat required at a pressu
SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十二),SSAT考试类比题反义词总结(十二) avid adj.热切的,贪婪的 characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm avidindifferent awash a. 与水面齐平的,被浪冲打的 covered with water:FLOODED aw
SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(18),SSAT考试:类比题反义词总结(18) burgeon v. 迅速成长,发展 to grow and expand rapidly:FLOURISH burgeonwither burgeonsubdue burial n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏 the act or process of burying inter:burial=obliterate:removal burles
SSAT类比与反义词总结(二),SSAT类比与反义词总结(二) accessible a. 易接近的,可进入的,易受影响的,可理解的 capable of being understood or appreciated abstruseaccessible/patent accessory n. 附件 a thing of secondary or subordinate importance:ADJUNCT ac
SSAT类比与反义词总结(四),SSAT类比与反义词总结(四) aerial a. 空中的,航空的,空想的,空气的 of, relating to, or occurring in the air or atmosphere aerial:air=aquatic:water aesthetics n. 美学 a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art
SSAT类比与反义词总结(三),SSAT类比与反义词总结(三) adapt vt. 使适应,改编 to make fit (as for a specific or new use or situation) often by modification adaptremain unchanged addicted adj. 痴迷 to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually
SSAT类比反义词总结(六) 中文解释,SSAT类比反义词总结(六) 中文解释 ameliorate vt. 改善,改良,变好 to make better or more tolerable ameliorateaggravate amenity n. 适意,温和,礼仪 something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment amenity:comfortabl
SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十六),SSAT类比题反义词总结(二十六) concentrate vt.vi. 集中,专心,浓缩 a. to bring or direct toward a common center or objective:FOCUS b. to make less dilute concentratedilute solution deployconcentrate concerted a. 商议好的,协定
SSAT类比题:反义词总结(八),SSAT类比题:反义词总结(八) anvil n. 铁砧 a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped hammer:anvil=pestle:mortar apathy n. 漠然,冷淡 lack of feeling or emotion:IMPASSIVENESS ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:ap
SSAT类比题反义词总结(四十),SSAT考试中的类比题主要考察学生对词汇逻辑关系的理解能力,绝不是简单的集中类型,所考词汇对于英语非母语的中国学生来说一般都较高。下面来看一些常见的SSAT类比题词汇: diffident a. 无自信的,客客气气的,羞怯的 hesitant in acting or speaking
SSAT类比题反义词总结(十),SSAT类比题反义词总结(十) arrest vt. 拘捕,妨碍,吸引,阻止 to make inactive arrestvitalize arresting adj. 引人注意的; 醒目的; 有趣的 catching the attention:STRIKING, IMPRESSIVE blatant:arresting=odious:disgusting arresting
SSAT类比题反义词总结(十四),SSAT类比题反义词总结(十四) belletristic a. 文学研究的,纯文学的 bellicose adj. 好战的,好斗的 favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars imperious:servile=bellicose:peaceable bellicoseappeasing belligerence n. 交战,
SSAT类比题:反义词总结(七),SSAT类比题:反义词总结(七) anew ad. 重新,再 in a new or different form angle n. 角,角落 ;夺取、追逐 to turn, move, or direct at an angle anhydrous a. 无水的 free from water and especially water of crystallization anh
SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十六),SSAT考试类比反义词总结(三十六) decrepit adj. 衰老的,破旧的 wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age decrepitvigorous dedication n. 奉献,致力,献辞 a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose