Transcripts must be submitted in two different formats: online (electronic) and paper (official).
Online transcripts are electronic records uploaded via the online application system.
Official transcripts are paper records received in the Office of the Registrar and Student Services in a sealed envelope, signed/stamped by the issuing institution. Transcripts received in an unsealed envelope cannot be considered official. Faxed copies of transcripts, or informal grade reports, or electronically transmitted transcripts, cannot be considered official.
Curriculum Vitae:
Your up-to-date résumé or curriculum vitae must be included in your application.
A résumé should detail your education history (both academic and professional), employment history (including names of employers, job titles, position responsibilities, dates employed, whether full- or part-time), awards, business and professional achievements, community activities, as well as any special skills.
Personal Statement:
In addition to corresponding to all home program requirements, the application statement of intent should include:
• Relevant personal and/or professional experiences, a career plan, motivation in seeking admission to CSEP
• An indication of specific courses of interest
• A brief outline of possible areas of interest
• Indication of preference of supervisor
Recommendation Letter:
Students who know they are interested in CSEP at the time of their initial application to their home graduate program will indicate this on their application and indicate to referees that their letters of support will be used in application for both the home program and the Collaborative Specialization in Educational Policy.
申请链接: Requirements
邮寄地址:Office of the Registrar and Student Services, Admissions Unit, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 252 Bloor Street West, Room 8-225, Toronto, ON M5S 1V6