Curriculum Vitae:
A detailed work experience statement 一份详细的工作履历表
Personal Statement:
Personal statement of objectives and essays 一篇有关个人学习动机的陈述
Recommendation Letter:
Other Documents:
A copy of NRIC/Passport/Citizenship Certificate/Documentary proof of Singapore Permanent
Resident Status 护照/身份证/新加坡永久居民身份证的复印件;Certified true copy of degree scrolls in Chinese and English学历、学位证书的中文复印件,以及由就读院校出具的英文件原件,或者由公证处出具的英文公证件;Certified true copy of professional membership certificates, if any专业技术资格证书的有效复印件(如果有;Company Approval Form (for applicants sponsored by their employers only)公司支持信 (适用于由雇主资助的申请人);Two passport-sized (35mm wide by 45mm high) colour photographs. The photographs must be of
white background and taken in formal dress without wearing any hat or other head covering. Please
write your name on the reverse side of each photograph.
两张护照型白底免冠正装照(照片规格:宽 35mm ×长 45mm),请在照片背面写上您的名字;Two name cards if applicable 工作人士请提交两张名片;