Submit an online application with the following documents/information:
official undergraduate and/or graduate transcripts and degree certificate. (Kindly request from your university if you've misplaced these documents.)
Curriculum Vitae:
Resume or career summary, including details of your current job responsibilities and reporting relationships.
Personal Statement:
Statement of interest (about 1000 words) including your purpose for enrolling in the programme and past experiences.
Recommendation Letter:
Contact information of three references: (please note that references from subordinates, immediate family members and/or relatives are not acceptable.)
- at least one reference to be completed by your immediate supervisor.
- the other two references from individuals who can discuss your professional experience as well as your ability to undertake independent research work and ability to complete the programme.
Other Documents:
Submit an online application with the following documents/information:
copy of identity card (both sides) for Singapore citizens and Singapore permanent residents; or copy of relevant pages in passport for international applicants.
passport size colour photo of yourself with white background.