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PhD in Social Work


  • 全日制学制:
  • 专业方向:
  • 非全日制:
  • 学位名称:
  • 学位类型:
  • 学位等级:
  • 专业简称:
  • 开学时间:
  • 减免学分:
  • 开学时间:
  • 申请截止时间:
  • offer发放时间:
  • offer发放截止时间:
  • 申请费用:
  • 学费:
  • 书本费:
  • 生活费:
  • 交通费:
  • 住宿费用:
  • 其他费用:
  • 总花费:
  • 雅思成绩:
  • 雅思总分:
  • 托福成绩:
  • 托福总分:
Transcript: For the online application, the PhD program requests copies of academic transcripts. Applicants admitted to the program will be asked to submit official transcripts to demonstrate degree conferral. Curriculum Vitae: The Résumé/Curriculum Vitae (CV) is an excellent opportunity for applicants to showcase their own professional and academic experiences. The Résumé or CV can document research, teaching and publication experiences, conference attendance and presentations, awards and honors received, and activities and volunteer work participation. The Résumé/CV is uploaded directly to the online application under “Program Materials” and then “Documents”. Personal Statement: The Personal Statement is an essay written in 3 to 5 pages, double spaced, and typed in a font no smaller than 12 point. In your Personal Statement discuss why you have chosen to pursue the PhD in social work at Boston University by discussing the following questions: – Why have you chosen to pursue a doctoral degree? What are your academic interests? Have you identified faculty with whom you are interested in working with? – How would a doctoral degree in Social Work integrate your professional and academic experiences and allow you to accomplish your professional goals? What are your professional objectives? – Why do you feel the PhD Program in Social Work at Boston University is a good fit for you? What aspects of the Program interest you? – Explain any experience you have with research and grants. The Personal Statement is uploaded directly to the online application under “Program Materials” and then “Documents”. Recommendation Letter: Three Letters of Recommendation are submitted in support of the application. Letters of Recommendation should be written by those who know an applicant well and can speak thoughtfully to their individuality, interests, and ability and potential in the academics, research, and to a career in Social Work. In the “Program Materials”, “Recommendations” section of the online application, applicants will be asked to provide email addresses for each recommender. When entered, an email request is automatically sent to the recommender with information on how to submit an evaluation and letter of support. Writing Sample: In addition to the Personal Statement, the application for admission to the PhD Program also requires a Professional Writing Sample. The work you choose to submit must be your own original writing. If you have research experience, submitting an example of relevant work is preferred. Writing Sample submissions can also include a degree thesis paper, capstone project, articles, book chapters, or coauthored papers which include your original work as a contributing author. The Professional Writing Sample is uploaded directly to the online application under “Program Materials” and then “Documents”. The size limit for each file upload is 5MB.
学位要求:Master 专业要求:Admission to the PhD Program is open to those who hold a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree or a master’s degree from an allied discipline or profession. 申请链接:http://www.bu.edu/ssw/admissions/phd-program/applying/ 招生电话:617-353-3750 招生邮箱:busswad@bu.edu
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