


2012/10/31 00:25:49 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:266 移动端

  互联网教育是并不是一件新鲜的事,MIT 早在 2002 年就将自己的大量课程公开到互联网上,可以说它是互联网教育先驱。今年,凭借在过去的一年里大规模开放网络课程(MOOCs),加上MITX项目的启动,在全球范围内提供更多的课程吸引国际学生,为其9年来首次登上QS2012世界大学排行榜榜首加了不少分。

  MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are the latest addition to the acronym-bound lexicon of higher education, and quite possibly the most significant of them all. They represent a new generation of online education, freely accessible on the internet and geared towards very large student numbers.


  The phenomenon has been likened by the president of Stanford University to "a digital tsunami", threatening to sweep aside conventional university education. Whether or not the rise of MOOCs will prove to warrant such hyper, there is no doubt that something very important is happening in the global system, raising profound questions about the very nature and future of higher education.


  At this early stage of the MOOC revolution, it is premature to predict the impacts on conventional higher education providers. The universities and private venture funds investing in this area openly acknowledge the high level of experimentation and testing of waters involved. The current MOOC offerings are mostly digital versions of conventional pedagogies – what blogger Dan Butin has called "Learning 1.0 products in a Web 2.0 world".


  This can and will change through the incorporation of the kinds of user interactivity already well-established in social media technologies. There is no inherent reason why MOOC-acquired learning cannot be accredited and recognized, especially as the market for degree-awarding powers opens up, subject perhaps to appropriate quality assurance arrangements.


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