


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:371 移动端



  坐标 40.744906°N 74.023937°W  (1)

  排名 76 (6)

  国家 美国

  州省 新泽西州

  城市 霍博肯

  校训 Per aspera ad astra (Latin);英文:Through adversity to the stars (1)

  汉译 穿过逆境,可得成功

  性质 私立,男女合校

  成立年份 1870 (1)

  宗教信仰 无

  校园 0.22Km2,市区 (1)

  学生人数 6,113

  本科生人数 2,691 (7)

  研究生人数 3,412 (7)

  师生比 本科:1:8;研究生:1:12 (7)

  国际学生比例 7% (8)

  学校分类 全国性大学

  认证机构 中部各州学院及学校协会(MSACS)

  网址 www.stevens.edu

  澳际教育王振琰老师介绍:史蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology)位于美国新泽西州霍博肯市,是一所私立研究型大学,主校区校园面积55英亩,另在华盛顿特区拥有一座卫星校园。霍博肯位于纽约大都会区,它的地理最高点是位于一座位于史蒂文斯校园西班牙古堡,站在该古堡之上可以俯瞰纽约市中心曼哈顿的风景。 (1)

  史蒂文斯理工学院成立于1870年,是使用埃德温·A·史蒂文斯1968年的遗赠建立的。现有超过5000名学生,有3座美国国防部和国土安全中心指定的学术研究中心。迄今共有2名史蒂文斯的校友获教员获诺贝尔奖,他们是:弗雷德里克·莱因斯(Frederick Reines),1995年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,1939届史蒂文斯校友,他在史蒂文斯获理学硕士(MS)和工学硕士(M.E)双学位;欧文·朗缪尔(Irving Langmuir),1932年诺贝尔化学奖获得者,1906年-1909年曾在史蒂文斯任教。


  史蒂文斯理工学院的校名来自于美国一个著名的发明家与工程师家庭。1784年,约翰·史蒂文斯(John Stevens)买下了现在史蒂文斯理工学院校园的所在地,约翰·史蒂文斯是美国第一辆蒸汽机车的建造者。他二儿子罗伯特·史蒂文斯(Robert Stevens)和小儿子埃德温·A·史蒂文斯是现代铁路先驱,他们共同建造美国历史上第一条商业铁路,他们建立的铁路标准至今仍在流行。约翰的大儿子约翰·科可斯·史蒂文斯(John Cox Stevens)是纽约帆船俱乐部的第一任船长,他和埃德温一起建造了“美利坚号”帆船,赢得了第一届美国帆船大赛冠军。 (2) (3) (4) (5)


  史蒂文斯理工学院与1870年正式建成,最初是按照法国和德国的课程模式打造的一所单一的机械工程师学校。最开始只提供非常有限的几种学位——机械工程师(Mechanical Engineer)、以及少量的机械工程、化学、物理的PhD学位。1959年,随着课程涵盖的领域逐渐扩大,史蒂文斯将其颁发的“工程师”学位改为工学学士学位(Bachelor of Engineering)。1968年-1975年间,史蒂文斯理工学院曾有一座移动学生宿舍,是一艘名为“SS Stevens”高473英尺,排水量14,893吨的轮船,漂浮在哈德逊河上,遨游纽约市,可容纳150名学生住宿,它也是美国第一座一栋宿舍。后来这座移动宿舍退役,史蒂文斯的学生集资为其建造了一座重大六吨的塑像来纪念它——“它融入了如烟飘渺,融入我们的心中。”





  年份 工程学院 计算机工程 机械工程 土木工程 电气工程 化学工程 工业工程 环境工程 材料工程

  2014 72 62 84 80 76 88 49 64 75

  2015 71 84 88 91 77 - 42 76 61


  年份 物理 数学 化学

  2014 122 119 -

  2015 123 134 148





  Good engineering curriculum, wish there were more variety though

  Mostly engineering and business, but not much room to explore other interests

  Co-op helps a ton, the work experience is excellent. The classes themselves are good, major specific courses are very well done but more general areas such as math and freshman courses can be poorly done.

  Mechanical Engineering is one of the most popular majors at Stevens. Being a mechanical engineering student I am able to communicate with a vast number of other mechanical engineering students, as well as educated professors, advisers, and other faculty in the same field. Still, the workload can be very stressful sometimes. It makes it easier to know that there are a lot of others now going through and who have been through the same thing that I can communicate with. Internship and job opportunities are fantastic at Stevens. Stevens has one of the top career development programs in the country. They are great at offering a co-op program which makes it easy for students to gain experience in their respective field while still able to be a full time student. Research and internship opportunities are apparent at Stevens as well.

  The school is well known for being a good school with a hard but rewarding academic program.

  Workload is tough and a lot. The variety of majors isn‘t really there but it is something that is being worked on. The curriculum is strict but it is like that for all engineers.

  I’m a Freshman this year. I am enjoying all of my classes and most of my professors are ok. Basically everyone here studies engineering. (9)


  (1)Stevens Institute of Technology Wikipedia

  (2) New York Yacht Club Wikipedia

  (3) Robert L. Stevens Wikipedia

  (4) Edwin Augustus Stevens Wikipedia

  (5) John Stevens (inventor) Wikipedia

  (6) Stevens Institute of Technology USNEWS

  (7) At a Glance Stevens Institute of Technology

  (8) Stevens Institute of Technology College Board

  (9) Stevens Institute of Technology Academics Reviews College Prowler



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