


2017/04/06 11:33:54 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:185 移动端

  波士顿学院(Boston College,简称BC),是美国一所私立顶级研究型大学, 是波士顿五大名校(麻省理工学院哈佛大学、塔夫茨大学、波士顿学院、布兰迪斯大学)之一。波士顿学院知名校友包括现任国务卿约翰·克里,能源部长Ernest Moniz, 马萨诸塞州州长Paul Cellucci,康涅狄格州州长Dannel P. Malloy,波士顿市市长Martin J. Walsh, 投资大师彼得·林奇及谷歌、苹果、JP摩根等众多跨国公司高管及政要,BC在美国享有声望,于2006年被列为全美25所”新常春藤“名校之一。

  澳际教育介绍:BC在2016 U.S.NEWS全美大学综合排名第30位;BC在KIPLINGER金融杂志2016最有价值私立大学排名为全美第19位;BC会计专业在LINKEDIN2015全美会计专业人士职业发展排名第3;BC金融硕士专业在英国金融时报世界大学排名第17, 美国排名第2;BC在2011-2012年美国《高等教育纪事》富布赖特获奖学生数量全美大学排名第8;2007年《普林斯顿评论》将BC评为美国父母眼中理想大学排名第6。

  BC也是美国体育及文艺名校之一。 BC曾经培养出美式橄榄球名人堂运动员, 美国电影金球奖得主, 电视艾美奖获得者, 普利策新闻奖获奖者等杰出人士。NBA球星科比2014年还曾前往BC旁听课程;2014年由BC前棒球选手发起的ALS冰桶挑战风靡全球;BC男子冰球队多次雄踞全美NCAA联赛冠军。

  BC主校区坐落于波士顿市区以西约6英里栗树山,是波士顿地铁绿线支线的终点站。 BC拥有北美洲最早的哥特式建筑,并被列入历史遗迹受到保护, 也是波士顿马拉松路线的必经之地


  BC有优秀的教师资源, 拥有786位全职教师, 师生比为1:12. 93%的教师拥有知名大学博士学位 .


  Thomas Dodman,Assistant Professor of History

  2016-17 Mellon Fellowship

  J. Elisenda Grigsby, Associate Professor of Mathematics

  2016 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

  2015 AWM-Joan and Joseph Birman Research Prize in Topology and Geometry

  2012 CAREER award of the National Science Foundation

  Liane Young, Associate Professor of Philosophy

  2016 Stanton Prize

  2006 William James Prize

  2012年获得斯隆研究奖(Sloan Research Fellowships)的青年学者

  波士顿学院物理系助理教授Ying Ran获物理学奖;

  波士顿学院化学系助理教授Dunwei Wang获化学奖


  Chemistry 化学专业

  John Fourkas, American Physical Society fellow, National Science Foundation Award recipient

  Amir Hoveyda, developer of the Hoveyda-Grubbs Catalyst

  Shana Kelly, one of the world‘s “top 100 innovators,” according to Technology Review magazine

  Economics 经济专业

  Arthur Lewbel, noted for econometrics, consumer demand analysis

  Richard Tresch, Massachusetts Professor of the Year

  English 英语专业

  Gerald Dawe, Northern Irish; Burns Visiting Professor

  Elizabeth Graver, author

  Marjorie Howes, scholar of Irish literature

  Paul Mariani, author

  George O’Har, author

  Finance 金融专业

  Alicia Munnell, former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; leading authority on Social Security and retirement

  History 历史专业

  Radu Florescu, distinguished Romanian historian, author of successful works on Vlad Dracula

  John Hume (约翰·休姆),前北爱尔兰政治家,1998年诺贝尔和平奖获得者

  Thomas O‘Connor, Boston historian, best-selling author

  Philosophy 心理专业

  Joseph Flanagan, SJ, director, Lonergan Center

  Richard Kearney, philosopher

  Peter Kret, author, conservative, authority on Thomas Aquinas, Socrates, and C. S. Lewis

  David M. Rasmussen, Continental political philosopher, editor in chi of Philosophy and Social Criticism

  William J. Richardson, SJ, philosopher and psychoanalyst; known for his groundbreaking work on Martin Heidegger

  Vanessa Rumble, president of The S?ren Kierkegaard Society; Phi Beta Kappa Teacher of the Year

  John Sallis, philosopher within Continental philosophy and hermeneutics

  Political science 政治专业

  William Bulger, former Massachusetts Senate president; former president, University of Massachusetts

  Donald Hafner, former Carter and Reagan nuclear weapons advisor; renowned national security expert

  Marc Landy, author of several widely used political science textbooks; chair, Irish Institute

  R. Shep Melnick, former New Hampshire State Rep.; co-chair of the Harvard Program on Constitutional Government; nationally respected author on American politics

  Robert S. Ross, associate of the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research at Harvard University; senior advisor of the security studies program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; member of the Council on Foreign Relations; one of the foremost American specialists on Chinese foreign and dense policy and U.S.-China relations.

  Kay Lehman Schlozman, award-winning author and American political behaviorist; advisory board member of the Campaign Finance Institute; former secretary of the American Political Science Association; New York Times contributor

  Susan Shell, political philosopher and Department Chair; cited Kant scholar

  Alan Wolfe, director, Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life; bestselling author

  Sociology 社会专业

  Sharlene Hesse-Biber, founder and director of National Association for Women in Catholic Higher Education, author

  Paul Schervish, director, Center for Wealth and Philanthropy; leading philanthropy expert

  Juliet Schor, leading expert on American consumerism, author

  John B. Williamson, professor, author, former vice-president of Gerontological Society of America

  Theology 神学专业

  Lisa Sowle Cahill, fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; former president of Catholic Theological Society of America

  Michael Himes, former academic dean of the Seminary of Immaculate Conception on Long Island, New York

  Ruth Langer, expert on Jewish liturgy

  Pheme Perkins, New Testament scholar; former president, Catholic Biblical Association of America

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