


2017/04/05 17:04:48 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:332 移动端
[color=000000]应猜版之邀,发此帖总结一下我和我老婆在准备签证材料的过程中得到的一些经验。因为整个过程中查阅了加版无数帖子和其他很多网上资源,在过来人的经验指导下所有的材料才得以准备齐全,所以与其说这是我们的经验总结,不如说是多年来申请签证的申请者们留下来的经验的一个小汇总。当然,中间穿插了一些针对我们特定的情况自己定制的一些文件,可能不完全适用于你的申请,但如果你能从中间得到一些灵感,并借此制作出适合你本人的材料,我这个帖子的目的也就达到了。[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]闲话不扯,进入正题。先说一下对所有申请者都适用的学签吧。[/color][b][color=000000][b][/color][b][color=000000]如果你仔细研究“学习许可申请表格”中的文件核对表,你会发现,除了[/color]study plan和资金证明两项是你能控制其质量高低或数量多少的项目外,其他条目都是些客观性的证明你各方面背景的证明或材料,对这些证明或材料进行润色的空间基本不大。下面分别对这类材料进行分析。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]1.[b][/b]客观性的证明或材料[/color][/b][/b][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]包括你要填的各种表格,证明你身份、学历、录取、身体条件等等各方面背景的官方文件,等等。这些材料的特点是,你必须要提供它们,否则可能被拒;但提供了之后,它们对你签证能通过的帮助非常有限,甚至是基本没有帮助。这类似于学校申请中的澳际或雅思分数。[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]关于这些材料,在版上看到最多的问题就是是否某项或某几项不需要准备,比如高中毕业证成绩单的公证件。这类问题的回答在版上很容易就能找到很多,不过我觉得这些问题的提出本身是没有意义的。签证申请从根本上说是一个申请的工作,你如果想要顺利通过申请,就必须要满足审查者事先提出的所有要求,这是天经地义。当然,某些申请者并没有完整的提交所有材料,最终签证也拿到了,但这并不代表那些材料就是不必要的。如果你和他们提交完全相同的不齐全的材料,你就有可能被拒,而且被拒是绝对合理。材料全部完整的提供都还不能保证[/color]100%拿到签证呢,更何况少些材料。如果你真心希望能拿到签证,本着对自己负责的态度,多费些周章把材料准备齐全是完全值得的。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]2.[b][/b]资金证明[/color][/b][/b][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]出国留学需要钱。钱是否足够支撑你[/color]n年留学生涯的所有开支,是签证官决定是否给你visa的最重要的判断依据(没有之一)。所以,对准备资金证明这项事情要给予足够的重视。大家可能会有各种不同形式的资金证明:现金(必备项),股票,基金,房产,父母或亲戚的资金担保,等等,也可能会走GIC以简化资金证明的材料和流程。不管是哪种方式,最终目的都是要确保你的资金是:1.足够的;2.来源可靠的。资金是否足够需要首先评估你在加每年的花费大致是多少,这个可以去参考相关院系的网页或咨询小米,然后给出一个相对保守的评估。资金来源是否可靠需要你提供足够的、真实可信的资金来源的解释,比如,如果是父母资助的话,父母的存款、收入证明、证明你和你父母关系的官方证明是必须要有的材料。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]3.[b][/b]study plan[/b][/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]可以说,[/color]study plan是学签申请材料中唯一的“活”的材料。为什么这么说?如果你研究其他所有材料,你会发现那些材料都是证明性质的,是对你的各方面背景进行全方位证明用的,是陈述一项项事实的,是需证明的内容事先都全部定“死”了的、没有太多解释余地的。但study plan不一样,它是使馆提供给你的唯一的“申辩通道”,是你跟签证官进行“对话”和“思想交流”的唯一通道,是你对自己的留学动机、背景短板和学成后归国意愿进行解释的唯一渠道,是你主观上能有所发挥进而说服签证官的唯一渠道。所以,study plan要多花心思,仔细准备,写得好了可以出奇制胜。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]之前也看了版上很多同学的[/color]study plan,说句不让大家喜欢的话,感觉千篇一律,没有多少吸引人的地方。如果我是签证官,这种study plan不会有加分,只会让我昏昏欲睡。那些study plan的大致内容是:我之所以申请此校学习,是因为此校此专业怎么怎么牛叉,享有什么什么样的学术声誉;此校所在城市如何如何安静祥和,城市居民如何如何热情好客;跟在中国高校读书相比,这个学校的学费是如何如何便宜,我读出一个学位来成本如何如何低;我学成后是一定要回国的,因为我家有父母,中国人传统观念要孝顺父母,又因为我天朝此行业正处于蓬勃发展阶段,急需人才并特需海外人才,所以我要义无反顾,回国报效,将我之所学尽全力转化为我天朝鸡的屁。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]是不是感觉有点假,太没说服力?设想一下如果你是签证官,已经干这行有些年头,每年每天周而复始的做着同样的工作,每天都必须要审那么三五份申请材料,看过的材料应该不计其数了。如果大多数[/color]study plan都是这种套路,是不是感觉极其厌倦,更别提审美疲劳了。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]我觉得,在准备[/color]study plan过程中相当重要的一个方面是仔细分析你背景中的优势劣势,依据自己特定的情况创造性的进行写作,突出自己的优势,合理解释自己的劣势。为了证明这个,拿我自己当例子吧。我的背景中有很多阻碍签证通过的劣势:1. 我硕士毕业已经8年,工作稳定,收入相当可观,再申请出国留学不好解释;2. 我的目的是通过留学渠道移民,所以不会再花时间读PHD,只会读个硕士两年就出来,已在国内拿到硕士学位,再申请硕士,不好解释(不过这点我比较幸运,因为已拿到的硕士和申请的硕士虽然是一个专业,但方向不同)。在楼下我会贴出我的study plan,大家评判一下是否回答清楚了申请指南上的三个问题,是否解释清楚了我背景中的劣势。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]顺便说一句哦,我[/color]study plan中所讲的故事有很多地方都纯属杜撰,一些情节都是创作出来的,很多不仅不属实,还是相反的哦,呵呵。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]携签[/color][/b][/b][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]下面接着总结我老婆的临时居民签证(探亲)申请的一些经验。[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]如果大家仔细研究过“临时居民访问签证申请”中的文件核对表,你会发现和“学习许可申请表格”类似的情况。关于那些客观性的证明或材料请参考上文,这里就不说了。可供发挥的材料一共有两种:[/color]1. 我老婆的雇主提供的准假信;2. 我给我老婆的邀请信。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]我们本来的打算是我老婆辞职跟我一起赴加,长期呆在那里。不过这封准假信的要求倒给了我们一些灵感。因为是携签,虽然我们已经结婚两年多,但还是有些担心因为移民倾向会被拒签,所以,借由这封准假信,我老婆和她工作的公司打了一个时间差(这个事情上有点伤[/color]rp,只好让她跟他们公司领导多沟通,搞好关系,能恢复点rp就恢复点)。在准备申请材料期间,我老婆没有跟她领导讲要辞职赴加的事情,只是说8月底9月初那段时间要请两周假去加拿大,去那儿干吗没说,顺利从领导那里拿到了一封准假信(我会把大致内容贴在楼下)。我们当时就决定拿到visa之后再慢慢跟她领导提辞职的事情。现在就在处理这个事情了,呵呵。[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]这么做的好处稍一考虑就能体会得到。签证官如果看到你的先生[/color]/太太因为国内有工作,不能长期呆在加拿大,是不是就能打消对你们移民倾向的怀疑了?[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]我把邀请信也贴在楼下。[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]到这里为止,我的签证申请经验汇总和一些个人看法就写完了。如果哪位有问题,请告知。[/color][color=000000]如下是我的study plan.[/color][b][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]My name is xxxx. I am a Senior Application Engineer at AAA Corporation, the world leader in the PPP industry. My responsibility at AAA is providing technical support for our customers in the Asia Pacific region. I have been working here for over 6 years. I like this job because I have a great passion for the PPP technology and I can often get the sense of achievement when I help my customers fix their technical issues. I am so interested in this job that I even thought I would dedicate myself to it in my whole career. However, there was one thing that once confused me and made me believe this job was not my ideal career. The thing was that my title of Senior Application Engineer kept unchanged in the past three years and I have never got an opportunity to be promoted during such a long period, although my manager ED, Director of BBB Department, always regarded me as a hard-worker.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]I talked with ED about this in my 2010 mid-year performance review. His explanations made me clear about the reason. According to him, due to my limited theoretical knowledge in the VVV area, I could no more dig deeper into the PPP technology and figure out original technical ideas. This led to a bottleneck which I could not break through to achieve further success.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]I had to say his comments made sense. I did not major in VVV when I pursued my Bachelor’s degree at TTT University or my Master’s degree at JJJ University. Instead, my major at universities was Control Theory and Control Engineering. That caused me not to have many chances to learn the basic VVV theories when I was a student. And indeed, for some critical technical points in my work, I noticed the lack of some general knowledge in the VVV area made it impossible for me to think deeper. So I could no longer gain any achievements.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]The barrier was really there.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]After several months’ carul evaluation I decided to quit my job and apply to go back to the academia to compensate this limitation in my background. I told ED this decision. He agreed with my idea and was willing to be a reree for my application. Several months later, I submitted my application materials to the Master of Engineering program at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department at the University of Toronto (U of T). I chose to apply for the ECE Department at the U of T based on two factors. Firstly, the ECE Department at the U of T provides graduate programs with higher quality than any Chinese university does in terms of courses, project experience and practical opportunities. The second one, which is more attractive to me, is that the ECE Department at the U of T has close connection to AAA. Some professors at the Department once worked or are even working now at AAA. This is a main reason why the Department conducts the top-notch research in the VVV/PPP area.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Fortunately, I received the admission letter from the ECE Department on May 7th. According to the program introductions, I will take nine courses during the Master of Engineering study. I regard this as a perfect opportunity for me because through selecting nine appropriate courses, I can not only compensate the limitation of my theoretical background, but also get knowledge of the cutting-edge VVV technology.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]I told this news to ED and received warm congratulations from him. He even promised that he would reemploy me as long as I got the Master degree with good course performance.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]I will try my best to meet ED's requirements on my study and then come back to BBB Department after receiving the degree. I am convinced I will gain a higher-level position then.[/color][color=000000]如下是我老婆拿到的准假信。[b][b][b]Dear Sir or Madam:[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]We hereby certify that Ms. ZZZ has been working at [/color][color=000000]KKK[/color][color=000000] as a Marketing Specialist since 18th September 2008.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Ms. ZZZ will visit Canada for 16 days from 20th August 2011 to 4th September 2011 and we have approved her annual leave application. We guarantee that Ms. ZZZ will come back to Shanghai and resume her duties with our company on time.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]At our company, Ms. ZZZ's total [/color]income in 2010 was RMB mmm and her income from January 2011 to May 2011 is RMB nnn. Her current basic monthly salary is RMB ooo.[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Ms. ZZZ will [/color]cover all expenses in Canada.[b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.[/color][color=000000]如下是我写给我老婆的邀请信。[b][b][b]Dear zzz,[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]I am writing to invite you to go together with me to Toronto, Canada in Aug. 2011 and stay there for some days.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]The reason of this invitation is that I would like you to take care of my life in Toronto and help me get used to the life there as quickly as possible. With your support I believe I can put all my forts into my graduate study at the University of Toronto to achieve good performance.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]You don’t have to stay very long in Toronto if your employer doesn’t want to approve a long leave. I think your stay with me for 10~20 days at the first time will be enough for me to get ready for my new life and study. But I would suggest you apply for a Temporary Resident visa of the multiple entry type. Thus you can go to Toronto again if I still need your help in some aspects of my life.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Please let me know if you have any concerns.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Take care. Loving you.[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]Yours ever,[/color][b][color=000000][/color][b][color=000000]xxxx[/color]立即咨询
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