

加拿大留学 留学签证资金来源解释模板

2017/04/05 16:43:53 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:1978 移动端
申请加拿大留学签证,需要提交资金来源解释用于证明有能力支付在加拿大留学期间的费用,有很多学生由于准备资金来源解释方面不充分造成了加拿大留学签证的拒签,十分可惜。下面是小编为大家搜集到的资金来源解释模板供 【加拿大留学网 - 加拿大留学签证办理流程】加拿大留学 留学签证资金来源解释模板



Funds Source Explanation and Supporting Letter

PS:本说明适用于12月存期完全满足,资金来源清晰简单,父母工作稳定,有足够存款的同学。个人创意:将supporting letter和资金解释做到一起,如借鉴请慎用,本人的这种写法较为少见,为安全、诚信,不让大使馆换怀疑,请勿完全抄袭,谢谢。

Dear Sir / Madam:

My name is ***. I am the applicant *** mother. I was born in ** and I am currently employed as ***at ****. I have been working as a*** since ***.

*** s father ***was also born in *** and has been working at *** for nearly ** years as the***. Bore this, he was the *** of ***.He has been working in the government sector since ****.

After carul consideration, our only child *** decided to go to Canada to pursue his Master degree in the field of Civil Engineering in the University of Alberta for 2 years. *** industry always have broader career prospect in China which means our son will make his advanced technologies and skills learned into usul practice in motherland, we are happy for him to go Canada for better education. To support his daily life and study, his father and I are willing to provide our savings RMB *** Yuan (about CDN $ ***) and other necessary support.

My income details are as follows:

In 2007: Total income is RMB *** Yuan.

In 2008: Total income is RMB *** Yuan.

In 2009: Total income is RMB *** Yuan.

In 2010: Monthly income is RMB *** Yuan.

My husband s income details are as follows:

In 2007: Total income is RMB *** Yuan.

In 2008: Total income is RMB *** Yuan.

In 2009: Total income is RMB *** Yuan.

In 2010: Monthly income is RMB *** Yuan.

Our incomes include basic salary and allowance; the personal income tax has been deducted and paid by respective institutes.

Basically, our family s living expenses and our son s tuition fee will account for

40%-50% of our total income. So our accounts have positive bank balance and able to save a portion of our income after expense. Our savings equate to the amount of: RMB *** Yuan (about CDN $***), which will be able to cover our son s living costs (about CDN $ ***/month), tuition fees (CDN $ ***/year) and round-trip airline tickets. His father and I are willing to provide extra funds for our son in case of an emergency. All these money comes from our salaries, allowance and welfares. The two original Deposit Slips are also attached and all these funds will be used to support our son whenever he may need.

Particularly, due to the characteristics of our professional careers, working as a government official like my husband and working as a teacher in the college like me, both of our careers are quiet stable and our income are sufficient to cover any additional expenses. In addition, my parents and my husband s father are all retired now and have sufficient retirement pension, so we will take emotional care of them instead of offering them monetary resources.

Usually, I deposited both my salaries and allowances of several months and my husband s into the bank with a fixed term (Put the money in Time Deposit accounts for usually one year). Then I withdrew from these Time Deposit accounts when the term ended and held for another term together with interests and our latest salaries and allowances again. Year by year, we have accumulated enough money, since we have the plan for our son s overseas education and in order to make it clear, I deposited the estimated amount of funds at POSTAL SAVINGS BANK OF CHINA on***, 2009 and divided the funds into two sums (one is RMB *** Yuan, and the other is RMB *** Yuan) when our son was preparing for his IELTS exam. At that time, our son was not sure about to go to which country and which university, so I have no idea about how much the tuition fee and living expense are, and different countries will require different amount of funds to apply visa, the deposit type I chose was Time Deposit, I do not want to cause the loss of the of bank interests if unnecessary, that is why I divided the funds into two sums and two original Certificates of Deposit attached now.

When our son finished IELTS exam in *** 2009, at that moment more or less I understood the funds should have its history no matter which country he is going to, that is why I did not hold for another term when the two Time Deposit accounts were due on ***, 2010, so the funds shows the history of nearly **months now.

As a professor, I know how important the higher education is for our only child, and we firmly believe that education is an important part of life and the cost of education is an advisable investment which will benit our child a lot no matter what age. It is our honor if our son is able to study in Canada, we are happy to support his study.

Given our savings and our stable and decent jobs, we are sure that it will not influence the future life of our family and our son will not have any financial issues in Canada and we guarantee that he will not do anything against the laws. And we also guarantee he will immediately return back to China on completion of his Master degree. We will assume any responsibilities. Please give kind consideration to our son s visa application. Thanks a lot!

If you have any queries on any funding, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Signature (Mother) ___________________Signature (Father) ___________________


Date:**, 2010.

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