

签证经验:2007-04-10 Beijing J1 1000 pass!(附checklist)

2017/04/05 16:41:42 编辑: 加拿大 浏览次数:366 移动端




因为我取指纹我我们对的第一个,所以,面签是我也是第一个,所以,非常顺利,就问了一个问题,看了一个文件-offer letter, 估计就一分钟搞定。

VO: Nice to meet you.
Me: Nice to meet you too.
VO: So what will you do in .....?
Me: I will go to xxx University to pursue my postdoc training for xxx.
VO: Could you please give me your offer letter?
Me: Of course, here you are.
VO在我的DS2019表上签字,撕黄纸条,然后就说,congratulations, Welcome to America!
Me: Thank you so much! Bye



对照其他签友的checklist,我自己按照我的情况准备了一份我自己的CHECKLIST FOR VISA INTERVIEW,如下:

Part I - Basic Documents

1.Passport (signed)
2.DS-2019 form (signed)
3.DS-156/157/158 (signed)
4.Visa application fee receipt
5.SEVIS fee receipt (printed)

Part II - Support Documents

1.Offer letter from Dr. x (Professor and Chair, School of Biology)
2.Invitation letter from Dr. xx, School of Biology (future supervisor)
3.Support letter from Dr. xxx, School of Medicine (future collaborator)
4.Support letter from current supervisor Professor xxxx

Part III - Important Documents

Background Documents of Myself:

1.My CV
2.Identification Card
3.House certificate
4.Certificate of honors
5.Certificate of employment
6.My publication list with original offprints
7.Abstract of doctoral dissertation with a copy of my original doctoral dissertation
8.Homepage of my current working group
9.Bri description of the future research in U.S.
10.Certificate of marriage
11.Certificate of my wife’s employment
12.Some photos of my family, my wife, my current working group and my friends

Background Documents of Collaborators from U.S.:

1.Homepage of Dr. xx, School of Biology with publication list
2.Lab homepage of Dr. xx
3.Homepage of Dr. xxx, School of Medicine with publication list
4.Lab homepage of Dr. xxx

Part IV - Other Associated Documents

1.Printed emails with Dr. xx
2.Bri introduction of current laboratory with publication list
3.Transcripts of PhD degree
4.Certificate of PhD degree and Graduate Diploma (2006)
5.Certificate of College English Test - Band 4 and 6


2007-04-10 Beijing J1 1000 pass!立即咨询
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