

美国 电子类大学排名

2017/04/05 16:07:02 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:458 移动端




  1 Stanford University 1

  2 Massachusetts Inst of Technology 2

  3 U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3

  4 University of California-Berkeley 4

  5 California Institute Technology 5

  6 University of Michigan 6

  7 Cornell University 7

  8 Purdue University 8

  9 Princeton University 9

  10 University of Southern California 10.5

  11 Univ of California-Los Angeles 10.5

  12 Carnegie Mellon University 12

  13 Georgia Institute of Technology 13

  14 University of Texas at Austin 14

  15 Columbia University 15

  16 University of Wisconsin-Madison 16

  17 University of Maryland College Park 17

  18 University of Minnesota 18

  19 Univ of California-Santa Barbara 19

  20 Univ of California-San Diego 20

  21 North Carolina State University 21

  22 Ohio State University 22

  23 Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst 23

  24 Polytechnic University 24.5

  25 University of Washington 24.5

  26 Rice University 26

  27 Virginia Polytech Inst & State U 27

  28 Pennsylvania State University 28.5

  29 U of Massachusetts at Amherst 28.5

  30 Yale University 30.5

  31 University of Florida 30.5

  32 Texas A&M University 32

  33 University of California-Davis 33

  34 Johns Hopkins University 34

  35 Brown University 35

  36 Arizona State University 37

  37 Washington University 37

  38 University of Colorado 37

  39 Northwestern University 39

  40 University of Arizona 40

  41 University of Pennsylvania 41

  42 Case Western Reserve Univ 42

  43 University of Utah 43

  44 Michigan State University 44

  45 University of Notre Dame 45

  46 University of Rochester 46.5

  47 University of California-Irvine 46.5

  48 Drexel University 48

  49 Syracuse University 49

  50 Rutgers State Univ-New Brunswick 50





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