


2017/04/05 15:50:30 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:317 移动端



  1. University of Chicago专业排名2,综合排名16

  Master of Science in Financial Mathematics

    要求:数学、物理背景,否则需要读Financial Mathematics Preparation Course;计算机背景,Matlab and C++,需要GRE & Math Sub成绩,不接受GMAT

  TOEFL Institution Code 1832,Department Code 72

  GRE Institution Code 1832,Department Code 0799

  要求GRE + Sub

  2. New York University 专业排名3,综合排名39

  Courant Institute of Mathematics Sciences

  Department of Mathematics

  Master of Science in Mathematics in Finance

  list code 2596 for the NYU Graduate School in your request to the Educational Testing Service for forwarding official GRE and TOEFL scores. The departmental code for the GRE is 0703; for the TOEFL it is 72.

  只接受GRE, 学校推荐申请人考Sub(mathematics, physics or another highly quantitative discipline)

  expect to receive a printed letter containing your UID in 3 weeks.

  3. Columbia University 专业排名4,综合排名9

  M.S. Financial Engineering (Summer-July admission Only)

  The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

  Deadline: Dec 1

  Application Fee: $45

  GRE, Institution Code 2111, 只接受GRE,不接受GMAT

  4. Stanford University  专业排名5,综合排名6

  Department of Mathematics

  Interdisciplinary Master of Science Degree in Financial Mathematics

  由多个院系共同授课,包括the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, the Departments of Economics and Management, Science & Engineering, the Graduate School of Business


  Deadline: Dec 4

  Application Fee: $105

  institution code for the GRE and TOEFL is 4704. No department code is required


  5. University of Michigan 专业排名12,综合排名26

  MSE in Financial Engineering, Summer Admission Only,只接受GRE

  Application Fee: $75

  Deadline: Dec 15, Feb 1

  Tol Institution code: 1839.

  GRE 1839.

  2 required essays.

  submit a 2-3 minute DVD presentation introducing yourself and why you want to pursue this degree. (Please mail the DVD to the Financial Engineering Office.)







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