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据伊利诺伊大学香槟分校官网最新消息,2016年秋季,由信息科学学院最新增设的信息管理硕士专业(MS in Information Management)即将正式开课。首批课程将全部为校园实体授课,自2017年春季开始,该硕士项目将提供同步在线课程。
LIS 561: Information Modeling
An introduction to the foundations of information modeling methods used in current digital library applications. The specific methods considered include relational database design, conceptual modeling, markup systems, and ontologies. The basic concepts underlying these methods are, respectively, relations, entities, grammars, and logic. Implementations include relational database design, FR/EER/UML diagrams, XML markup languages, and RDF/OWL semantic web languages. First order logic is emphasized throughout as the foundational framework for information modeling in general, and for contemporary web-based information management and delivery systems (including semantic web technologies) in particular. Required course in CAS in Digital Libraries concentration. [Formerly 590IM; permanent approved 5/7/12; first used Fall 2012]
LIS 542: Data, Statistical Models and Information
An introduction to statistical and probabilistic models as they pertain to quantifying information, assessing information quality, and principled application of information to decision-making, with a focus on model selection and gauging model quality. The course reviews relevant results from probability theory, parametric and non-parametric predictive models, as well as extensions of these models for unsupervised learning. Applications of statistical and probabilistic models to tasks in information management (e.g. prediction, ranking, and data reduction) are emphasized.
LIS 543: Sociotechnical Information Systems
The character, success, and costs/benits of information technologies are socio-technical matters. Because of this, best practice for IT design and integration relies on participants' ability to understand and create for the totality of those settings, including social and technical dimensions. This course provides students with analytic tools for examining socio-technical settings and experience in applying that knowledge in IT modeling, design and management.
Data science and analytics
Data is ubiquitous. Global industry depends on professionals who can manage, clean, and interpret data to make decisions, assess services, and ultimately operate an improved organization. MS/IM students are prepared to be instrumental contributors to organizational success through strong theoretical and technical understanding of data in society and within organizations.
LIS 590AG Evidence-Based Discovery
LIS 490IDS Introduction to Data Science
LIS 590AD Sociotechnical Data Analytics
LIS 456 Information Storage and Retrieval
LIS 490DB Introduction to Databases
LIS 531 Foundations of Data Curation
LIS 590DCL Theory and Practice of Data Cleaning
LIS 590DT Data Mining
LIS 590MT Informetrics
LIS 590NA Network Analysis
LIS 590TX Text Mining
Privacy, trust, security, and ethics
Organizations rely on the access and use of private and sensitive electronic and networked information. Information professionals develop mechanisms and infrastructures that take into account best practices for consumer privacy and ethical industry standards in order to build and maintain secure systems that lead to fective information management.
LIS 590IP Information Policy
LIS 590ET Information Ethics
LIS 490IA Information Assurance
LIS 490PV Privacy in the Internet Age
LIS 490EG E-Government
LIS 549 Economics of Information
LIS 590NA Network Analysis
LIS 590SF Social Computing
LIS 590SI Social Analysis of ICTs
LIS 590SDP Data Policy
Information architecture and design
Every organization has a website, app, or other electronic representation of their mission, impact, services, and access points. Information architects build interfaces and organize content that relay and transmit this information fectively. MS/IM students are prepared to address challenges of information interaction with expertise in theories of information organization and design paired with the technical ability to implement complex interactive solutions.
LIS 453 Systems Analysis and Management
LIS 490DB Introduction to Databases
LIS 490IT Entrepreneurial IT Design
LIS 490GI Geographic Information Systems
LIS 560 Digital Libraries
LIS 590DM Document Modeling
LIS 590DP Document Processing
LIS 590II Interfaces to Information Systems
LIS 590LW Web Design and Construction for Organizations
Knowledge management and information consulting
The modern globalized workplace relies on fast, accurate information. Knowledge managers collect, organize, and interpret data on which major strategic decisions are based. Businesses and other organizations also rely on systems to store valuable information that are used by employees to make integral contributions. In order to provide this information support and system management, MS students learn to analyze and represent information and how to customize and ficiently utilize systems that manage critical organizational information.
LIS 590IC Information Consulting
LIS 590AC Applied Business Research: Competitive Intelligence and Knowledge Management
LIS 590CM Change Management
LIS 453 Systems Analysis and Management
LIS 562 Metadata Theory and Practice
LIS 490EG E-Government
LIS 503 Use and Users of Information
LIS 525 Government Information
LIS 530E Business Information
立即咨询Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲