


2017/04/05 15:25:49 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:632 移动端


  有些学校是微调,有些学校是明确了分数要求。特别是以前排名较高,但分数要求偏低的学校,今年的托福分数线均有明显提高。其中幅度最大的是2012年排名38位的Case Western Reserve University(凯斯西储大学)去年托福只要80分,今年要求90分。排名56位的 Ohio State University(俄亥俄州立大学)曾经是一个托福分数线的低谷,托福只要有71分,就有机会被学校录取。去年国内不少托福分数在71至78分的学生被该校录取。今年该校的托福分数线上涨到79分。

  其他托福分数线调高的大学有Carnegie Mellon University(卡内基美隆大学),Tulane University(杜兰大学),Syracuse University(雪城大学),Northeast University(东北大学),Indiana University-Bloomington(印地安那大学伯明顿分校),U?鄄niversity of Alabama(阿拉巴马大学)等。留学专家表示,目前申请美国大学的人数增长已经到了一个关键点。先是录取要求的提高,接下来就会是人数的控制。以后美国排在前百名的名校申请难度会明显加大,在分数上的要求也会更高。

  下表中的美国各个大学本科录取的最低分数线标准大家可以参考一下,个别学校因为申请专业的不同托福分数的要求也会不一样,建议同学申请前一定要查阅学校的官网,获得第一手的录取要求。本表的数据仅供参考。  如果您对美国大学的申请还有其他的疑问可以在本站线上咨询,或者拨打400-0660-111免费电话垂询。(澳际网)

大学名称 PBT分数 IBT分数
Adelphi University 550 80
American University 600 100
Andrews University 550 No
Arizona State University 500 61
Auburn University 550 79
Azusa Pacific University 587 94
Ball State University 550 79
Barry University 550 79
Baylor University 550 80
Biola University 600 100
Boston College 600 100
Boston University 600 95
Bowling Green State University 520 61
Brandeis University 600 100
Brigham Young University--Provo 580 85
Brown University 577 90
California Institute of Technology 600 No
Carnegie Mellon University 600 100
Case Western Reserve University 550 80
Catholic University of America 550 80
Central Michigan University 550 79
Clark Atlanta University 500 No
Clarkson University 550 80
Clark University 550 80
Clemson University 550 79-80
Cleveland State University 525 65
College of William and Mary 580-600 93-100
Colorado School of Mines 550 79
Colorado State University 450-525 45-71
Columbia University 600 100
Cornell University 600 100
Dartmouth College 600 + no
DePaul University 550 80
Drexel University 550-600 80-100
Duke University 600 100
Duquesne University No 80-100
East Carolina University 550 80
East Tennessee State University 500 61
Emory University 600 79-80
Florida A&M University 550 80
Florida Atlantic University 550 80
Florida Institute of Technology 550 79
Florida International University 500 80
Florida State University 550 80
Fordham University 575 90
George Fox University No 80
George Mason University 575-600 88-100
Georgetown University 600 100
George Washington University 550 80
Georgia Institute of Technology 550 79
Georgia Southern University 550 80
Georgia State University 550 79-80
Golden Gate University 475-525 53-71
Harvard University 600 100
Hofstra University 550+ 80
Howard University No No
Idaho State University 500-550 61-80
Illinois Institute of Technology 550 80
Illinois State University 550 79
Immaculata University 550 79
Indiana State University 500* 61***
Indiana University--Bloomington Not indicated Not indicated
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 540-570 76
Indiana University-Purdue University--Indianapolis No Undergraduate: 61 Graduate: 79
Iowa State University 530 71
Jackson State University 525 No
Johns Hopkins University 600 100
Kansas State University 550 79
Kent State University 525 No
Lehigh University Undergraduate: 570 Graduate: 550 No
Long Island University--C.W. Post Campus 527 71
Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge 550 79
Louisiana Tech University 550 80
Loyola University Chicago 550 79-80
Marquette University No 80
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 577 (rec 600+) 90 (rec 100+)
Miami University--Oxford 533 72
Michigan State University 550* 79**
Michigan Technological University 550 79
Mississippi State University 525 71
Missouri University of Science & Technology 550 79
Montana State University 550-580 80-93
Morgan State University 550 No
New Jersey Institute of Technology 550 79
New Mexico State University Undergraduate: 500 Graduate: 530 Undergraduate:61 Graduate: 71
New School 600 100
New York University 490-550 No
North Carolina A&T State University 550 No
North Carolina State University--Raleigh No 80
North Dakota State University 550-600 79-100
Northeastern University 550 79-80
Northern Arizona University 550 80
Northern Illinois University 550 80
Northwestern University No 111
Nova Southeastern University 550 79
Oakland University 550 79
Ohio State University--Columbus 527 71
Ohio University 550 80
Oklahoma State University 550 79
Old Dominion University 550 79-80
Oral Roberts University 550 No
Oregon State University 475 53
Pace University Undergraduate: 570 Graduate: 577 Undergraduate: 88/89 Graduate: 90
Pacific University 475 53
Pennsylvania State University--University Park 550 90
Pepperdine University 550 80
Polytechnic Institute of New York University 600 100
Portland State University 550 68*
Princeton University No Average score of submitted students is 108
Purdue University--West Lafayette 550 77*
Regent University No 90
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 570 88
Rice University 600 90
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--Newark 550 83*
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick 550 83*
Samford University 550 80
San Diego State University 550 80
Seton Hall University 550 79
South Carolina State University 500 61
South Dakota State University 500 No
Southern Illinois University--Carbondale 550 80
Southern Methodist University 600 100
Spalding University No Information Available No Information Available
Stanford University 600 100
Stevens Institute of Technology 500 61
St. John's University 600 100
St. Louis University 550 80
St. Mary's University of Minnesota No 79
SUNY--Binghamton 550 80
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 550 79*
SUNY--Stony Brook 550 80
Syracuse University 550* 80**
Temple University 550 79
Tennessee State University 500 No
Texas A&M University--College Station 600 100
Texas A&M University--Commerce 500 No
Texas A&M University--Kingsville 550 79
Texas Christian University 550 80
Texas Tech University 550 79
Texas Woman's University 550 79
Trevecca Nazarene University 500 61
Trinity International University No 92
Tufts University nil 100
Tulane University nil 84*
Union Institute and University 550 80
University at Albany--SUNY 550 79
University at Buffalo--SUNY 550 79
University of Akron No 61
University of Alabama 500 61
University of Alabama--Birmingham 500 61
University of Alabama--Huntsville 500 62*
University of Alaska--Fairbanks 550 79
University of Arizona Undergraduate: 500 Graduate: 550 Undergraduate: 61 Graduate: 80
University of Arkansas 550 79
University of Arkansas--Little Rock 525 71
University of Bridgeport 550 No
University of California--Berkeley 570 68
University of California--Davis 550 68
University of California--Irvine 550 80
University of California--Los Angeles 560 87*
University of California--Riverside 530 59
University of California--San Diego 550 80
University of California--Santa Barbara 550 80
University of California--Santa Cruz 550 83
University of Central Florida No 80
University of Chicago No No
University of Cincinnati 520 68
University of Colorado--Boulder 520-600* 68-114*
University of Colorado--Denver 525 71
University of Connecticut 550 79
University of Dayton 550 80
University of Delaware 570 90
University of Denver 550 80
University of Florida 550 80
University of Georgia 550 80
University of Hartford 550 79*
University of Hawaii--Manoa 500 61
University of Houston 550 79
University of Idaho 550 No
University of Illinois--Chicago 550 80*
University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign 550 79
University of Iowa 550 81
University of Kansas All part scores at least 53 Reading, Listening, and Writing part scores at least 20*
University of Kentucky 527 71
University of La Verne 550 79
University of Louisiana--Lafayette 550 81
University of Louisville 550 79
University of Maine 530 71
University of Maryland--Baltimore County 550 80
University of Maryland--College Park 575 100
University of Massachusetts--Amherst No 80
University of Massachusetts--Boston 550 79-80
University of Massachusetts--Lowell 525 69
University of Memphis 550 No
University of Miami 550 80
University of Michigan--Ann Arbor 570-610* 88-106***
University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 550 79
University of Mississippi 550 79-80
University of Missouri 500 61
University of Missouri--Kansas City 550 79
University of Missouri--St. Louis 500 61
University of Montana 580 92
University of Nebraska--Lincoln 523 70*
University of Nevada--Las Vegas 500 61
University of Nevada--Reno 600+ 100
University of New Hampshire 550 80
University of New Mexico 520 68
University of New Orleans 525 71
University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill 550 minimum of 50 in each section 79
University of North Carolina--Charlotte 507 64
University of North Carolina--Greensboro 550 79
University of North Dakota 525 71
University of Northern Colorado 520 70
University of North Texas 550 79
University of Notre Dame No 80*
University of Oklahoma 550 79-80
University of Oregon 527 71*
University of Pennsylvania 550* 80**
University of Pittsburgh 550 80
University of Rhode Island 550 79
University of Rochester 600 100*
University of San Diego 550 80
University of San Francisco 550 80
University of South Carolina--Columbia 570 80
University of South Dakota 550 79
nil nil nil
nil nil 71
University of South Florida 550 79
University of St. Thomas No 80*
University of Tennessee 550 80*
University of Texas--Arlington 550 213
University of Texas--Austin 550 79
University of Texas--Dallas 550 80
University of Texas--El Paso 550 No
University of the Pacific 500 61
University of Toledo 550 80
University of Tulsa 500 61
University of Utah 500 61
University of Vermont 550 79-80
University of Virginia 600 90
University of Washington 540 76
University of West Florida 550 78-80
University of Wisconsin--Madison 550 80
University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee 520 68
University of Wyoming 525 71
Utah State University No 79
Vanderbilt University No 100
Virginia Commonwealth University 600 100
Virginia Tech 550 80
Wake Forest University 550 79-80
Washington State University 520 68
Washington University in St. Louis 550 79
Wayne State University 550 79-80
Western Michigan University 550 80
West Virginia University Information not Provided Information not Provided
Wichita State University 530 72
Widener University 540 75*
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 550 79-80
Wright State University No 79/120
Yale University 600 100
Yeshiva University 600 100


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