


2017/04/05 15:15:33 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:269 移动端


   本科学位程序在美    在美国高校的学士学位是指学历高中完成后进行。学士学位,也被称为“大学”,“本科”或“本科”,它通常需要约4年时间才能完成。成绩优异的学生毕业后,也可能会收到他们的学位与荣誉:优等成绩(荣誉),以优异的成绩(以极大的好评),或以优异成绩(最高褒奖)。    美国大学和学院完成学士学位的要求。这意味着,你有义务采取某些类型,从不同的部门,才能毕业。请一定要检查你的顾问,使你清楚你的要求和完成他们的计划。    主要是什么?    在您的研究过程中,你会被要求选择在某一学科专业。这意味着你将采取重大在这个特定的主题类和数量将有望表现出的能力和理解。这个主题将是你的学业和重点领域的行业可能是你想要工作,你毕业后,你的学士学位。    专业学生可以在社会科学领域,如心理学或生物学或业务领域,如市场营销等硬科学。学校和部门的不同而不同专业的要求。同样,为了避免不愉快的意外,这是检查你的顾问,以确保你有一个计划,完成所有必要的类在你的主??要的关键。    什么是未成年人?    有些学生还选择做一个未成年人在一个不同的主题。学生这样做的原因有多种。它可以在一个区域,提高你的理解你的主要,或追求特殊利益的方式来发展能力。您通常需要采取减班,重点集中在你的主要的类数量比您的未成年。这就像次要的专业化,但你没有那么多的专家,在您的未成年,因为你是你的主要。    学士学位课程设置    美国学士学位课程有所不同,但一般涉及两个讲座课程和研讨会。从40到200名学生,一位教授讲授的讲座类是一个大课堂。通常情况下,辅以讲座课程教授的助教,这是铅背诵。这可以是一个提问的时间,走了过来做作业,考试。研讨会是通常用不到40名学生的教室。这是一个典型的对话风格类学生和教授参与对话的主题和阅读作业。在课堂外,学生们继续他们的学习就像写论文的分配,学习考试,并在某些情况下,写毕业论文或进行的一个研究项目。    学士以上学位的类型    最常见的两种类型的美国学士学位的本科艺术与科学学士。    提供艺术学位学士,新闻学,社会学或教育等人文学位。    理学士学位供生物,化学或物理等科学的学位。    为什么要获得学士学位?    对许多人来说,这是一个要求持有学士学位,在美国大部分的工作作为一项基本要求。获得学士学位,在美国有各种各样的选择。您可以选择从网上或校园的学校,一个大型的公立大学或一个小型的私人学校和城市或乡村环境。    重要的是要记住,学士学位,在美国往往更加昂贵,比其他国家的同行,所以一定要支付你的学费有一个战略。大多数学生使用相结合的个人和家庭的资金,贷款和赠款。如果你的教育经费提出了挑战,讨论您的情况与您所选择的学校的财政援助部门。他们可能是能够提供帮助。    高于一切,这是一个旅程,在那里你会到新的地方旅行,结识新朋。照亮你的未来与美国大学的学士学位。
   英文原文:    What is a Bachelor’s Degree­    Bachelor-Degree-Programs-in-the-U.S.    At colleges in the U.S., a bachelor’s degree rers to an academic degree undertaken after high school is completed. The bachelor’s degree is also rerred to as “college”, “undergraduate”, or “baccalaureate”, and it usually takes approximately four years to complete. Upon graduation, students who have excelled academically may also receive their degree with honors: cum laude (with praise), magna cum laude (with great praise), or summa cum laude (with highest praise).    U.S. universities and colleges have requirements for completion of the bachelor’s degree. This means that you are obligated to take certain types of classes or a certain number of classes from different departments, in order to graduate. Be sure to check with your adviser so that you’re clear on your requirements and have a plan for completing them.    What is a Major­    During your course of study, you will be required to select a major in a certain subject. This means you’ll be taking a significant number of classes in this particular subject and will be expected to demonstrate competence and comprehension. This subject will be your area of focus academically and is likely the industry you want work in after you graduate with your bachelor’s degree.    Majors can be in the social sciences like psychology or the hard sciences like biology or business fields like marketing. Requirements for majors vary amongst schools and departments. Again, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it’s crucial to check with your adviser to make sure you have a plan for completing all of the necessary classes in your major.    What is a Minor­    Some students also elect to do a minor in a different subject. Students do this for a variety of reasons. It can be a way to develop competency in an area that enhances your understanding of your major, or to pursue a special interest. You are typically required to take less classes focusing in your minor than the number of classes focusing in your major. It’s like a secondary specialization, but you aren’t as much of an expert in your minor as you are your major.    Bachelor Degree Curriculums    U.S. bachelor’s degree curriculums vary, but generally involve both lecture classes and seminars. A lecture class is a large classroom with anywhere from 40 to 200 students who are taught by one professor. Typically, lecture courses are supplemented with a recitation which is lead by the professor’s teaching assistant. This can be a time to ask questions, go over homework and take exams. A seminar is a classroom usually with less than 40 students. It’s typically a conversational style of class where students and the professor engage in dialogue about topics and reading assignments. Outside of the classroom, students continue their learning with assignments like writing papers, studying for examinations, and in some cases, writing a final thesis or conducting a research project.    Types of Bachelor’s Degrees    The two most common types of U.S. bachelor’s degrees are Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science.    Bachelor of Arts degrees are offered for a degree in the Humanities like journalism, sociology or education.    Bachelor of Science degrees are offered for a degree in the Sciences like biology, chemistry or physics.    Why Get a Bachelor’s Degree­    It is a requirement for many people to hold a bachelor’s degree in the U.S. as a basic requirement for most jobs. There are a wide variety of options for earning your bachelor’s degree in America. You can choose from an online or campus school, a large public university or a small private school and a city or a rural setting.    It’s important to remember that a bachelor’s degree in America is often more expensive than its counterparts in other countries, so be sure to have a strategy for paying your tuition. Most students use a combination of personal and family funds, loans, and grants. If funding your education presents a challenge, discuss your situation with the financial aid department at the school of your choice. They may be able to help.    Above all else, this is a journey where you will travel to new places, meet new people and brighten your future with a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. college.立即咨询
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