澳际教育介绍:加拿大国际高中生物竞赛(University of Toronto National Biology Competition)是由多伦多大学组织的面向全球高中生的竞赛项目,竞赛目的是测试高中生对生物学科的理解,目前已经举办了23届。该项竞赛的优胜者将获得优胜证书和奖金,其中,来自非加拿大地区的TOP5%的学生可以获得国际生物学者的证书,TOP1%的学生可以获得国际杰出生物学者证书,竞赛成绩会作为加拿大生物学奥林匹克竞赛选择标准的一部分,成绩优秀者将增加世界名校申请优势,从1995年开始,已经有超过115000位高中学生参加了这项竞赛。
1、 细胞生物学:细胞的化学成分、细胞的结构与功能、细胞代谢、细胞分裂。
2、 植物学:植物界主要类群(包括菌类)和系统演化、组织和器官的结构与功能、光合作用、呼吸作用、物质的吸收和运输、蒸腾作用、特长和发育、激素、生殖。
3、 动物学:动物界主要类群和系统演化、组织和器官的结构与功能、动物体制的基本类型、消化和营养、呼吸、循环、排泄、调节、生殖。
4、 遗体学与进化:遗体的分子基础、基因与染色体、孟德尔遗传、地球上生命的起源进化的机制、物种形势。
5、 生态学:生物与环境的关系,种群、 生态系统、自然环境保护、 行为。
★来自非加拿大地区的TOP5%的学生可以获得国际生物学者(National Biology Scholars)的证书
★来自非加拿大地区的TOP1%的学生可以获得国际杰出生物学者(National Biology Scholars with Distinction)的证书与奖金
University of Toronto
National Biology Competition
2016 Examination
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Time: 75 minutes
Number ofquestions: 50
45. Which statement about ribosomes is CORRECT?
a. Ribosomescontain DNA and protein.
b. Ribosomalsubunits leave the nucleus after being formed by the nucleolus.
c. Ribosomes areactive in carbohydrate synthesis.
d. Polyribosomesare the subunits of ribosomes.
e. Ribosomes areonly found associated with the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells.
46. Which of the following can be used to correctly determine whether a cell is a bacteria or aprotist?
a. The presence orabsence of a rigid cell wall.
b. Whether or notthe cell contains membrane-bound compartments.
c. The presence orabsence of ribosomes.
d. Whether or notthe cell carries out cellular metabolism.
e. Whether or notthe cell contains its own genome.
47. Which statement about the structure of DNA and RNA is CORRECT?
a. DNA nucleotidescontain phosphate groups and RNA nucleotides do not.
b. DNA is anon-polar molecule and RNA is a polar molecule.
c. DNA usescytosine nucleotides and RNA does not.
d. DNA containsnitrogen atoms and RNA does not.
e. DNA contains adifferent sugar group than RNA.
48. Macromoleculesdo NOT donate electrons directly to the electron transport chain (ETC). Why?
a. The ETC canonly receive electrons carried by oxidized electron carrier molecules such asNAD+.
b. The ETC is onlyfound in the mitochondrial outer membrane, and not all cells have mitochondria.
c. The ETC canonly receive electrons carried by reduced electron carrier molecules such asNADH.
d. The ETC onlyworks by accepting electrons from oxidized carbon.
e. Macromoleculesdo not have enough electrons to donate to the ETC.
49. Hypercapnia isa condition in which levels of carbon dioxide in the blood are abnormallyelevated. Why does hypercapnia result in an increase in ventilation rate?
a. Increasingventilation rate will increase the amount of oxygen entering the lungs.
b. Increasingventilation rate will increase the amount of carbondioxide entering the lungs.
c. The increase in blood pHstimulates breathing in order to expel excess carbon dioxide.
d. The decrease in blood pHstimulates breathing in order to expel excess carbon dioxide.
e. Chemoreceptorsin the brain and aorta stimulate breathing in order to attain more oxygen.
50. An outbreak ofZika virus, transmitted by mosquitoes, was recently identified in Brazil. InZika virus-affected areas an increase in the number of infants born withmicrocephaly (abnormally small brain and head) has been reported. The BrazilianMinistry of Health investigated 35 cases of babies born with microcephaly (theresults are shown below). All 35 infants are being tested for the presence ofZika virus. However, as of March 2016, the results are not yet available. Basedsolely on the data shown here which of the following is the most correctconclusion?
a. When a pregnantwoman is infected with the Zika virus, her child will be born with microcephaly.
b. The Zika virusis possibly associated with microcephaly.
c. Mosquito bitestransmit Zika virus, which causes microcephaly in newly born children.
d. If a woman isnot infected with Zika virus, none of her future children will havemicrocephaly.
e. Zika viruscauses severe microcephaly, but not low to moderate microcephaly.
U of T National BiologyCompetition / 23
? 2016 University of Toronto
对于国际考生来说,特别是高中学科基础很扎实的中国学生来说,内容不难,范围与国内差不多,但是考试中出现的专业词汇比较大,比如一些昆虫、组织器官、植物名称等,因此中国考生在备考的过程中词汇就成为了一大障碍,可以参考sat2或者AP生物学科后面的词汇表,几乎涵盖了生物考试中常见的词汇,这些词汇其实也是可以通过词根词缀来记忆的,比如pneumo- hemo-等。另外,国外基础教育强调的是知识的广度而非难度,这一特点是为了开拓学生的知识范围,因此该考试最重要的是考生能够将这些知识点灵活的应用到考试中。
报名时间: 1月23日—3月3日
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲