您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2015美国大学早申录取率公布
布朗大学Brown University:3043个ED申请,录取617个,录取率20%(2018届录取率9%)。
达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College:1859个ED申请,录取483个,录取率26%(2018届录取率12%)。
杜克大学Duke University:3180个ED申请,录取815个,录取率26%(2018届录取率11%)。
乔治敦大学Georgetown University:6840个EA申请,录取907个,录取率13%(2018届录取率17%)。PS:乔治敦大学与大部分学校不一样,它的早申请录取率在整个录取批次中是较低的。
哈佛大学Harvard University:5919个EA申请,录取977个,录取率17%(2018届录取率6%)。
约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University:1865个ED申请,录取539个,录取率29%(2018届录取率15%)。PS:在今年约翰霍普金斯大学闹出了一个被媒体广为报道的事件,将录取通知邮件错误发送给了294名没有被录取的学生。
麻省理工大学Massachusetts Institute of Technology:625个EA录取,录取率10%(2018届录取率8%)。
西北大学Northwestern University:2793个ED申请,1000个以上录取,具体的录取率数据没有公布(2018届录取率13%)。
普林斯顿大学Princeton University:3850个EA申请,录取767个,录取率20%(2018届录取率7%)。
斯坦福大学Stanford University:7297个EA申请,录取743个,录取率10%(2018届录取率5%)。
宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania:5489个ED申请,录取1316个,录取率24%(2018届录取率10%)。
威廉姆斯学院Williams College:593个ED申请,录取244个,录取率41%(2018届录取率18%)。
耶鲁大学Yale University:753个EA录取,大约录取率16%(2018届录取率6%)。
美利坚大学American University:46%
艾姆赫斯特学院Amherst College:13%
鲍登学院Bowdoin College:15%
加州理工学院California Institute of Technology:8%
卡尔顿学院Carleton College:23%
克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院Claremont McKenna College:10%
科尔盖特大学Colgate University:26%
威廉玛丽学院College of William and Mary:33%
哥伦比亚大学Columbia University:7%
康奈尔大学Cornell University:14%
戴维森学院Davidson College:21%
埃默里大学Emory University:26%
乔治华盛顿大学George Washington University:43%,PS:根据华盛顿邮报最近一篇报道,该校正在对录取委员会的工作进行审查。
格林内尔学院Grinnell College:27%
汉密尔顿学院Hamilton College:26%
哈维姆德学院Harvey Mudd College:14%
哈佛大学Howard University:35%
詹姆斯麦迪逊大学James Madison University:63%
米德伯理学院Middlebury College:17%
波莫纳学院Pomona College:12%
莱斯大学Rice University:14%
史密斯女子学院Smith College:40%
斯沃斯莫尔学院Swarthmore College:17%
芝加哥大学University of Chicago:8%
马里兰大学University of Maryland:47% 注意:此数据并不包括春季学期录取的大量学生。
马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校University of Maryland Baltimore County:58%
圣母大学University of Notre Dame:21%
弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia:29%
范德堡大学Vanderbilt University:12%
瓦瑟学院Vassar College:23%
弗吉尼亚理工大学Virginia Tech:68%
华盛顿大学-圣路易斯Washington University in St. Louis:17%
华盛顿与李大学Washington and Lee University:18%
韦尔斯利学院Wellesley College:28%
卫斯理公会大学Wesleyan University:23%
本文内容来自《华盛顿邮报》,原文作者为Nick Anderson。
Early admission rates for Class of 2019
By Nick Anderson
The first wave of admission decisions is in for the Class of 2019.Here are admission rates for the early round at some highly selective schools. We’ll update as we get more data. These are culled from news releases.
For comparison, previously disclosed admission rates for the Class of 2018 are noted in parentheses.
Caveat: It’s important to remember that the Class of 2018 data is aggregated: those rates represent offers and applications from both the early and the regular rounds.
Caveat #2: Read admission rates with great caution because data-reporting methods vary from school to school.
One more technical point. “Early decision” means the student commits to attend the college as soon as the college says yes. “Early action” means the student can wait until next spring to decide.
Brown University: 617 early decision admissions out of 3,043 applications, 20 percent. (Class of 2018: 9 percent.)
Dartmouth College: 483 early decision admissions out of 1,859 apps, 26 percent. (Class of 2018 rate: 12 percent.)
Duke University: 815 early decision admissions out of 3,180 apps, 26 percent. (Class of 2018: 11 percent.)
Georgetown University: 907 early action offers out of 6,840 apps, 13 percent. (Class of 2018: 17 percent.) Note: Georgetown is the rare school with a lower admission for the early round than for the overall cycle.
Harvard University: 977 early action offers, out of 5,919 apps, 17 percent. (Class of 2018: 6 percent)
Johns Hopkins University : 539 early decision admissions out of 1,865 apps, 29 percent. (Class of 2018: 15 percent). Note: JHU had a widely publicized e-mail misstep in which 294 students who had not been admitted were sent erroneous messages welcoming them to the class of 2019.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 625 early action offers, 10 percent admission rate. (Class of 2018: 8 percent.)
Northwestern University: “More than 1,000” early decision admissions out of 2,793 apps. Precise figures for acceptance rate not released. (Class of 2018: 13 percent.)
Princeton University: 767 early action offers out of 3,850 apps, 20 percent. (Class of 2018: 7 percent).
Stanford University: 743 early action offers out of 7,297 apps, 10 percent. (Class of 2018: 5 percent)
University of Pennsylvania: 1,316 early decision admissions out of 5,489 apps, 24 percent (Class of 2018: 10 percent.)
Williams College: 244 early decision admissions out of 593 apps, 41 percent. (Class of 2018 rate: 18 percent.)
Yale University: 753 early action offers. Estimated admission rate: 16 percent. (Class of 2018 rate: 6 percent.)
Following are the initial, aggregated, overall admission rates for the Class of 2018 at some other selective schools:
American University : 46 percent.
Amherst College: 13 percent.
Bowdoin College: 15 percent.
California Institute of Technology: 8 percent.
Carleton College: 23 percent.
Claremont McKenna College: 10 percent.
Colgate University: 26 percent.
College of William and Mary : 33 percent.
Columbia University: 7 percent.
Cornell University: 14 percent.
Davidson College: 21 percent.
Emory University: 26 percent.
George Washington University : 43 percent. Note: GW was the subject of a recent Post story that looked inside the workings of an admissions committee.
Grinnell College: 27 percent.
Hamilton College: 26 percent.
Harvey Mudd College: 14 percent.
Howard University : 35 percent.
James Madison University : 63 percent.
Middlebury College: 17 percent.
Pomona College: 12 percent.
Rice University: 14 percent.
Smith College: 40 percent.
Swarthmore College: 17 percent.
University of Chicago: 8 percent.
University of Maryland : 47 percent. Note: This rate does not include numerous students offered admission starting in the spring semester, a U-Md. initiative that is unusually broad compared to the practice of other schools.
University of Maryland Baltimore County: 58 percent.
University of Notre Dame: 21 percent.
University of Virginia: 29 percent.
Vanderbilt University: 12 percent.
Vassar College: 23 percent.
Virginia Tech: 68 percent.
Washington University in St. Louis: 17 percent.
Washington and Lee University: 18 percent.
Wellesley College: 28 percent.
Wesleyan University: 23 percent.
被录取后,下一步做什么?一旦被ED录取,根据美国法律,学生必须立即撤回其他EA或RD申请。被ED录取的学生,必须入学报到(可申请Gap year等方式延期入学)。违背ED协定的情况,比如同时申请了2所学校的ED,学校有权力取消学生的ED资格甚至入学资格。拿到ED录取后,要给其他申请的每一所大学招生办写邮件说明情况,告诉招生老师已获录取,撤回申请。
立即咨询Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲