


2017/04/05 14:48:43 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:82 移动端

  随着2016版GMAT官方指南的发布,GMAT句子改错也出现了新的题目供大家参考。小编在此与大家分享新GMAT OG句子改错的新题目,希望对各位备考GMAT SC题目有所帮助。

  52. According to a recent study of consumer spending on prescription medications, increases in the sales of the 50 drugs that were advertised most heavily accounts for almost half of the $20.8 billion increase in drug spending last year, the remainder of which came from sales of the 9.850 prescription medicines that companies did not advertise or advertised very little.

  (A) heavily accounts for almost half of the $20.8 billion increase in drug spending last year, the remainder of which came

  (B) heavily were what accounted for almost half of the $20.8 billion increase in drug spending last year; the remainder of the increase coming

  (C) heavily accounted for almost half of the $20.8 billion increase in drug spending last year, the remainder of the increase coming

  (D) heavily, accounting for almost half of the $20.8 billion increase in drug spending last year, while the remainder of the increase came

  (E) heavily, which accounted for almost half of the $20.8 billion increase in drug spending last year, with the remainder of it coming

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