


2017/04/05 14:17:55 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:277 移动端

CUG排名 大学名称 入学标准 学生满意度 研究评估 就业前景 总评分
2015 2014
1 1 Cambridge     3.05 78 100
2 2 Bath 464 4.32 2.95 89 99.9
3 3 St Andrews 539 4.24 2.65 79 98.9
4 4 London School of Economics 500 3.98 2.95 80 97.5
5 5 Warwick 518 3.76 2.95 82 97.3
6 20 Durham 452 4.02 2.65 90 96.4
7 7 Lancaster 442 4.03 2.95 83 96.2
8 6 Loughborough 415 4.15 2.7 86 95.1
9 11 Strathclyde 501 4.07 2.85 68 95.1
10 8 Exeter 447 4.12 2.65 80 94.8
11 9 Leeds 437 4.09 2.85 77 94.5
12 13 King's College London 488 3.66 2.95 73 93.7
13 17 Birmingham 414 3.79 2.65 89 93.4
14 11 City 458 4.07 2.6 72 93
15 10 Cardiff 394 4.03 3 72 92.2
16 14 Reading 408 4.05 2.5 78 91.6
17 32 University College London 486 4   96 91.6
18 19 Aston 381 4.1 2.7 76 91.5
19 18 Newcastle 419 3.9 2.5 79 91.4
20 27 Surrey 397 4.11 2.5 76 91.1
21 26 York 408 4.11 2.45 75 91.1
22 22 Nottingham 419 3.87 2.85 69 90.9
23 15 Glasgow 442 3.76 2.5 76 90.8
24 23 Edinburgh 458 3.79 2.45 72 90.6
25 25 Heriot-Watt 405 4.12 2.4 74 90.6
26 21 Manchester 422 3.84 2.85 67 90.4
27 15 Southampton 414 3.72 2.6 77 90.2
28 33 SOAS 393 4.29 2.35   90
29 29 Lester 367 4.14 2.55 73 89.7
30 24 Shfield 389 3.82 2.7 73 89.5
31 31 Robert Gordon 383 4.04 2.1 82 89.4
32 38 East Anglia 378 4.09 2.45 72 89.2
33 28 Royal Holloway 388 4.03 2.65 67 89.2
34 - Bristol 456 4 2   88.7
35 30 Kent 367 3.97 2.5 72 88.4
36 34 Sussex 388 3.92 2.45 69 88
37 36 Aberdeen 423 4.04 2.25 60 87.2
38 35 Liverpool 393 3.97 2.45 63 87.2
39 43 Stirling 397 3.88 2.3 61 85.7
40 38 Keele 363 3.92 2.3 66 85.6
41 51 Swansea 326 3.8 2.35 71 84.8
42 52 Queen's, Belfast 374 3.78 2.65 54 84.5
43 46 Nottingham Trent 329 3.91 2.15 70 84.3
44 45 Essex 310 4.12 2.6 56 84.1
45 47 Portsmouth 314 3.87 2.1 73 83.9
46 58 Bradford 312 3.93 2.5 62 83.8
47 41 Dundee 378 3.66 2.25   83.7
48 44 Queen Mary 398 3.65 2.6 49 83.4
49 47 Northumbria 354 3.96 1.8 68 83.4
50 50 West of England, Bristol 320 3.91 2.15 66 83.1
51 38 Brunel 328 4.09 2.35 54 83
52 59 Edinburgh Napier 349 4.14 1.7 60 82.1
53 90 Buckingham 310 4.4   72 82.1
54 61 Coventry 288 4.19 1.7 69 81.9
55 53 Oxford Brookes 365 3.85 1.95 58 81.9
56 37 Hull 294 4 2.35 57 81.8
57 54 Bangor 310 3.8 2.75 49 81.6
58 64 Brighton 305 3.8 2.3 60 81.4
59 49 Bournemouth 318 3.8 1.95 66 81.4
60 57 Manchester Metropolitan 329 3.95 2.2 53 81.3
61 54 Lincoln 320 3.9 1.7 68 81.2
62 66 Shfield Hallam 320 3.96 1.9 58 80.5
63 65 De Montfort 294 4.16 2.25 48 80.4
64 74 Hertfordshire 353 3.87 2.15 47 80.2
65 72 Glasgow Caledonian 375 3.76 1.95 49 79.9
66 59 Central Lancashire 333 3.96 1.95 51 79.8
67 67 Salford 315 3.73 2.25 52 79.5
68 63 Bath Spa 298 4.31   64 79.4
69 67 Huddersfield 319 4.12   64 79.1
70 70 Kingston 288 3.88 2.45 45 78.9
71 42 Birkbeck 212 3.96 2.45   78.6
72 67 Westminster 329 3.77 2 50 78.6
73 76 Birmingham City 295 4.07 1.65 52 77.6
74 62 Plymouth 286 3.71 2.05 54 77.6
75 - South Wales 329 4.07 1.85 40 77.5
76 73 Ulster 294 4.05 2.25 36 77.2
77 80 Teesside 291 4.06 1.9 44 77.1
78 89 Middlesex 273 4.07 2.15 39 76.6
79 76 Aberystwyth 292 3.81 1.95 46 76.3
80 81 Liverpool John Moores 312 4.09 1.45 46 76.2
81 92 Glyndwr 298 3.86   61 76.2
82 96 Gloucestershire 268 3.7 1.4 66 76.1
83 91 Worcester 291 3.99   58 76
84 86 Winchester 310 3.95   55 75.9
85 71 Chester 294 3.79   61 75.6
86 82 Northampton 261 4.01 1.55 52 75.5
87 99 Queen Margaret 320 3.83 1.25 53 75.4
88 79 Leeds Metropolitan 253 3.7 1.8 56 75.4
89 97 Abertay 285 3.79 1.55 53 75.3
90 54 Harper Adams 312 3.91     75.2
91 74 Royal Agricultural University 282 3.87   59 75.2
92 83 Greenwich 298 4.01 1.75 38 75
93 85 Chichester 261 4   58 74.9
94 88 West of Scotland 280 3.82 1.85 43 74.8
95 92 Leeds Trinity 220 4   64 74.6
96 94 Derby 268 4.07   51 74.1
97 102 Cardiff Metropolitan 295 4.06 1.35 42 74
98 - Highlands & Islands   4.15   44 73.9
99 101 Roehampton 259 4.04   50 73.4
100 103 York St John 257 4.05   49 73.2
101 108 University Campus Suffolk 304 4.03   40 73
102 104 Edge Hill 276 3.98   46 72.9
103 105 Canterbury Christ Church 253 4.01   48 72.6
104 94 Sunderland 270 4.05   42 72.3
105 87 Staffordshire 222 3.8 1.95 40 72.3
106 109 West London 231 4.01   50 72.2
107 83 St Mary's 253 3.95   47 72
108 98 Anglia Ruskin 235 3.77   55 71.9
109 107 Buckinghamshire New 234 3.79 1.7 40 71.4
110 111 Southampton Solent 253 3.7   51 71.4
111 110 London Metropolitan 227 3.72 1.55 42 70.3
112 105 London South Bank 198 3.89 1.65 38 69.9
113 112 Bedfordshire 198 3.78 1.7 34 68.7
114 114 East London 262 3.81   31 68.2
115 99 Bolton 227 3.83 1.35 33 68.2
116 115 Cumbria 248 3.43   42 67.8

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