


2017/04/05 14:17:55 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:225 移动端
CUG排名 大学名称 入学标准 学生满意度 研究评估 就业前景 总评分
2015 2014
1 1 Cambridge 631 4.16 3.35 94 100
2 2 Imperial College London 571 4.39 3.2 94 98.3
3 3 Oxford 647 4.12 3.15 86 97.5
4 15 St Andrews 512 4.7 2.7 100 96.6
5 14 Durham 530 4.3 2.8 89 93.1
6 8 University College London 515 3.92 3.15 89 92.1
7 7 Birmingham 432 4.31 3 94 91.7
8 5 Bristol 494 4.01 2.95 93 91.6
9 6 Exeter     2.65 94 91.6
10 4 Glasgow 434 4.2 3.1 90 90.9
11 13 Bath 480 4.03 2.95 90 90.6
12 10 Warwick 508 3.83 2.75 94 90.2
13 11 Southampton 466 4 3.2 84 90
14 12 Edinburgh 489 3.83 3.2 84 89.9
15 9 York 454 4.1 2.95 85 89.1
16 16 Manchester 444 4.06 3.15 79 88.2
17 17 Shfield 422 4.15 2.75 89 88
18 20 Newcastle 406 4.14 2.9 87 87.7
19 18 Leeds 417 3.95 3.05 84 87.1
20 19 Liverpool 400 4.03 3.05 84 87
21 33 Lancaster 416 4.05 3.05 79 86.6
22 24 Nottingham 405 3.81 3.1 83 85.9
23 23 Lester 374 3.99 2.8 91 85.9
24 29 Aberdeen 392 4 2.9 84 85.7
25 21 King's College London 419 3.96 2.7 85 85.6
26 25 Kent 379 4.04 2.75 86 85.1
27 38 Heriot-Watt 419 4.06 2.65 81 85
28 22 Strathclyde 435 4.02 2.55 81 84.8
29 26 Loughborough 372 4.11 2.6 86 84.4
30 37 Queen's, Belfast 386 3.99 2.65 83 83.9
31 27 Cardiff 383 3.97 2.85 79 83.9
32 31 Surrey 394 4.16 2.35 83 83.6
33 30 Sussex 384 3.93 2.85 78 83.4
34 43 Essex 324 4.2 2.75 79 82.5
35 36 Queen Mary 377 3.86 3 72 82.3
36 34 Royal Holloway 365 4.07 2.8 73 82.2
37 28 Dundee 367 4.05 2.75 72 81.7
38 42 East Anglia 384 3.83 2.75 74 81.5
39 32 Swansea 306 3.59 2.9 90 81.4
40 40 Stirling 390 3.99 2.75 65 80.7
41 39 Reading 355 3.76 2.15 92 80.5
42 45 Lincoln 340 4.04 2.5 76 80.2
43 53 City 380 3.77 2.6 73 79.9
44 47 Birkbeck   3.7 2.75   79.6
45 48 Brunel 354 3.95 2.55 72 79.5
46 35 Aberystwyth 304 3.71 2.95 76 79.3
47 49 Oxford Brookes 419 3.66 2.5 69 79.3
48 46 Aston 362 4 2.3 74 79.2
49 44 Plymouth 311 3.82 3 70 79.2
50 51 Robert Gordon 347 3.98 2.35 74 78.8
51 50 Bournemouth 334 3.82 2.25 82 78.5
52 41 Goldsmiths, University of London 299 3.98 2.7 71 78.4
53 52 West of England, Bristol 314 3.97 2.4 76 78.3
54 54 Northumbria 331 4 2.4 67 77.2
55 60 Liverpool John Moores 321 4 2.5 63 76.5
56 59 Brighton 268 3.88 2.6 71 76.1
57 64 Salford 364 3.9 2.4 59 76
58 72 Edinburgh Napier 340 4.05 2.09 66 75.8
59 62 De Montfort 302 4.04 2.4 64 75.7
60 55 Hull 325 4.17   79 75.6
61 69 Coventry 286 4.14 2.05 72 75.5
62 56 Nottingham Trent 296 3.79 2.15 77 75.3
63 61 Ulster 311 3.84 2.55 61 75
64 93 Glyndwr 333 4.1 2.35 55 75
65 68 Keele 380 4.11   68 74.9
66 63 Manchester Metropolitan 329 3.93 2.15 65 74.8
67 - South Wales 319 3.93 2.25 63 74.6
68 74 Bradford 289 3.97 2.35 64 74.5
69 65 Hertfordshire 308 3.84 2.6 56 74.1
70 58 Bangor 261 3.62 2.5 72 73.9
71 73 Abertay 368 3.99   68 73.7
72 57 Huddersfield 318 3.72 2.05 70 73.7
73 66 Teesside 359 3.92 2.5 45 73.5
74 67 Staffordshire 296 3.95 2.05 65 73.2
75 79 Central Lancashire 346 4.06   65 72.7
76 77 Sunderland 330 4.08 1.9 56 72.5
77 70 Shfield Hallam 301 3.86 1.9 67 72.4
78 86 Newman   4   70 72.2
79 81 Greenwich 303 4.24 1.9 52 71.6
80 82 Derby 325 3.7   73 71.5
81 90 Middlesex 247 4.19 2.25 53 71.4
82 78 Glasgow Caledonian 326 3.93 1.8 58 71.3
83 71 Portsmouth 311 3.94 1.9 56 71
84 88 Northampton 286 4.16   64 70.9
85 75 Kingston 273 3.81 2.2 57 70.7
86 85 Edge Hill 302 4.2   57 70.2
87 84 Chester 289 3.95   66 70.2
88 80 Westminster 273 3.79 2.05 54 69.1
89 89 Cardiff Metropolitan 275 4.08   59 69
90 96 Anglia Ruskin 249 3.95   64 68.3
91 94 Birmingham City 315 3.96   51 68
92 97 Worcester 266 3.92   60 67.9
93 87 Gloucestershire 261 3.71   67 67.9
94 92 Southampton Solent 255 3.72   64 67.2
95 98 West of Scotland 290 3.83 2 41 66.9
96 99 West London   3.83 1.65 52 66.8
97 95 Leeds Metropolitan 248 3.9   58 66.7
98 101 Bedfordshire 223 3.82 2.1 49 66.6
99 - Highlands & Islands   4.15   45 66.3
100 83 London South Bank 204 3.89 2.15 47 66.2
101 102 Canterbury Christ Church 235 3.83   59 66
102 103 London Metropolitan 211 4 1.5 45 63.1
103 91 Bolton 297 3.82   35 63.1
104 105 Buckinghamshire New 227 3.73   43 61.7
105 104 East London 235 3.86   36 61.3

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