

英国五大奇葩奖学金 去英留学试试不

2017/04/05 14:06:59 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:156 移动端

  British universities pride themselves on being philanthropic institutions, and aim to provide as much help to disadvantaged students as possible. Here are some slightly eccentric awards that are given out to a handful of lucky applicants every year – and yes, most of them are available to non-UK residents!


  素食者协会慈善基金(Vegetarian Charity Grant)

  The kind folks over at the Vegetarian Charity will give you £500 if you’re both strapped for funds and committed to steering clear of meat. If you’re a hardcore vegetarian (or at least very good at acting like one), you could wrangle yourself a nice bit of cash for a lack of protein – and possibly use it to treat yourself to a bit of culinary luxury.


  皇家古代高尔夫奖学金(Royal & Ancient Golf Scholarship)

  If you’re a dt hand with a club then you might be able to secure up to £5000 from the Royal & Ancient Foundation, but there is a catch: men have to have a handicap of one or above, and women three or above. They’ll also consider applicants who are part of their national golf squad, although why you would need a scholarship in that case is beyond me!


  Either way, plenty of motivation to get out on the driving range...


  皇家海军奖学金(Royal Navy)

  Nothing pays quite like getting shot at. The British Royal Navy will support anyone who joins up for a year or two bore attending university, and will even secure a place at the Naval College after your course finishes. Hopully Russia won’t start a world war while you’re there.


  * This one might be slightly harder to apply for as a non-British national – perhaps it might just be easier to stick to the books!


  Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol奖学金

  If you think the title of this scholarship sounds like something from Star Wars, this is probably not the bursary for you. It gives up to £3000 for students who learn at least 33% of their subject through the medium of the Welsh language – although you don't necessarily have to be an advanced speaker.


  This one could be very usul for anyone looking to take on a literary / liberal arts degree; a fine chance to explore some of the exquisite poetry written by our neighbours across the border.


  Desmond Tutu奖学金

  Apart from the unfortunate surname of its founder*, the Tutu Scholarship is a veryworthy cause. It provides £1000 for students at King’s College London who writethe best 1000-word essays on the title “How do you think an education at King’sCollege London would help you to serve society once you graduate?” How lovely.

  除了创始人的名字有点悲催之外*,这个奖学金还是很华丽的。它面向伦敦国王学院的学生,给那个1000字命题作文(essay)写得最好的小盆友颁发1000磅的奖励。而作文的题目嘛,就是“等你毕业之后,在伦敦国王学院的学习经历将会如何帮助你奉献社会呢?” 毕业,奉献社会??简直画面太美不敢看。

  * In the UK marking system, a “2:2” is one of the lower grades that can be awarded to candidates; pronounced “two-two”, it is occasionally nicknamed a “Desmond”,after Archbishop Tutu.

  解释一下Tutu的言外之意。英国的学校有不同的成绩分档,就像ABCD这样。其中成绩最好的可以拿2:1,比较差的就是2:2, 英语也称“two-two”。因为听起来很像德斯蒙德·图图(Desmond Tutu)大主教的姓(这个大主教可厉害了,曾获得过诺贝尔和平奖哦),所以2:2有时候也被成为“desmond”。

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