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英国卡迪夫大学医学院免疫学研究中心招聘免疫学方向访问学者、研究助理,交流访问时间3年。要求生物医学科学相关硕士或同等学历,有细胞培养、分子免疫学等相关研究经验。卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University ),是一所位于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫的世界一流大学。该校于1883年取得皇家许可状,并为英国威尔士地区唯一入选英国罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)的大学,该集团有英国的常春藤盟校之称。
Research Assistant
Cardiff University - Institute of Infection and Immunity, School of Medicine - College of Biomedical and Life Sciences
Applications are invited for a Research Assistant position to work in the Cancer Immunology team within the Wales Cancer Research Centre (WCRC), under supervision of Dr Matthias Eberl, in the Institute of Infection and Immunity at Cardiff University.
Research in the WCRC Cancer Immunology team employs molecular and cellular biological approaches with a focus on T cell-mediated anti-tumour immunity, to identify and characterise mechanisms by which different types of T cells contribute to tumour killing or immune evasion. This knowledge is directly translatable to preclinical models for novel immunotherapies, and ultimately, to clinical trials in patients with haematological or solid malignancies.
We are looking for a highly motivated researcher to contribute to the ongoing research forts within the Cancer Immunology team. The post will utilise cell culture and preclinical models for the development of adoptive transfer approaches for novel cancer immunotherapies.
The successful applicant will have a Masters in Biomedical Sciences, or equivalent degree, knowledge of research methods and techniques including cell culture, work with lentiviral vectors, live imaging and multi-colour flow cytometry, and have knowledge of the current status of research in cellular immunotherapy.
This post is full-time (35 hours per week), available immediately and fixed term until 31st March 2018. Applications will also be considered from candidates looking for a part time role.
卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University ),是一所位于英国威尔士首府卡迪夫的世界一流大学。该校于1883年取得皇家许可状,并为英国威尔士地区唯一入选英国罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)的大学,该集团有英国的常春藤盟校之称。作为一所英国老牌名校,卡迪夫大学囊括了威尔士地区49%的科研经费,并拥有两位诺贝尔奖得主。如今,其国际声誉吸引了来自英国以及100多个海外国家的学生和工作人员。
卡迪夫大学在2014QS世界大学排名上,并列英国第21位,世界第123位。2014上海交大世界大学学术排名中,位列英国第9-17名,全球第101-150名。2015年泰晤士报TIMES英国位列27名。2014USNews全球大学排名中,并列英国第19名,全球188名。2014英国官方大学科研实力排名 REF (Research Excellence Framework 原称RAE) by GPA全英第5名,其中87%的科研成果达到世界领先及国际先进水准。
立即咨询Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲