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  The Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences in the UIC College of Pharmacy invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Associate or Full Professor in the areas of cancer biology, novel methods of drug and biopharmaceutical delivery and/or molecular pharmacology, beginning August, 2016.
  The Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences has particular interests and strengths in pharmacology and pharmaceutics related to cancer therapy, notably in areas of novel targets in breast and ovarian cancers, mechanisms of ovarian metastases, DNA damage and repair, topoisomerases and splicing factors. We also have expertise in the development of dendrimer-, hydrogel-, and lipid-based pharmaceutical methods to formulate and deliver drugs and biologics as well as in the molecular basis of pain mediation, pregnancy-associated drug metabolism, and the capture of circulating tumor cells.
  We are particularly interested in candidates with research interests that will complement these forts. The successful candidate will have a record of peer-reviewed publications and active grant support in these areas, and will be expected to maintain an actively funded research program as well as participate actively in the teaching programs in the College. The successful candidate will have a funded, established research program.
  Applicants must possess a relevant doctoral degree. A demonstrated commitment to teaching excellence at the graduate and professional levels and a history of innovative and collaborative research interactions are prerred. Faculty rank and salary will be commensurate with experience and achievements.
  伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois at Chicago,学术简称UIC)创立于1982年,东西校区皆位于美国第二大商业中心芝加哥市的心脏地带,是芝加哥地区最大型的公立研究型大学,在2013年Times Higher Education 100 Under 50排名中居香港城市大学之后,世界排名位列第19位,属US News (美国新闻与世界报道)一级国家级大学。
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