1 新媒体 New media网络媒体是传媒、新闻界增长最快的领域,新媒体专业将传统新闻课程与数字媒体设计和管理结合起来。其中有些学校更注重电脑技术和网页设计,例如
New Media is the means of masscommunication using digital technologies such as the Internet. The new media has also become central to the political arena. 2. 生物工程 Biotechnology
Biotchnology is the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc. 3 有机农业Organic agriculture 26年,
Organic Agriculture i s a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. 4 国土安全专业 Homeland security 9.11后兴起的国土安全专业课程涵盖面很广,从心理学到灾难救助,从联邦法律到危险物品处理。美国联邦政府的国土安全部为这个专业的学生提供了相当多的奖学金和助学金,并在国土安全防御中心提供一个18个月、授予学位的培训课程。
Homeland security is an American umbrella term for "the national effort to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards where American interests, aspirations, and ways of life can thrive to the national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,
5 网络商业和网络市场专业 E-business/e-marketing 此专业着眼于通过网络进行的商业交易,往往与客户沟通、雇员管理、商业伙伴沟通有关。美国劳工统计局的资料,这个专业学生需求量的增长将大大高于应届毕业生的平均水平。 6 电脑游戏设计 Computer game design 这个 1年前还闻所未闻的专业,现在已经在全美15多所高校扎下了根。有些学院注重游戏的研发;而另一些学校则强调游戏设计的艺术性,像凤凰城艺术学院;密执安州大将开设 “严肃游戏设计”的硕士专业,学生将得到国际游戏研发者协会的奖学金。
Computer Games Design explores game design, storytelling and asset integration. 7 法律财会专业 Forensic accounting 尽管这个专业已经有挺长的历史了,但它的兴起则是得益于近几年来不断出现的公司财政丑闻,现在,这个专业成为会计领域里增长最快的专业,课程包括金钱侦探(负责调查公司与法律相关的财务漏洞),除了基本会计学技能之外,此专业要求学生具有更广泛的商业知识。
Forensic Accounting is the use of accounting skills to investigate fraud or embezzlement and to analyse financial information for usein legal proceedings.
Environmental studies is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment in the interests of solving complex problems. … It is a broad field of study that includes the natural environment, the built environment, and the sets of relationships between them.
1 超微工程专业 Nanotechnology 在超微领域(分子水平)研究物理、工程学和化学的实用科学,最近几年在国家超微工程启动会的支持下,越来越引入注目。大多数学校提供的是研究生水平的课程,少数学校如路易斯安娜州大,开设超微系统工程的本科专业。