


2017/04/05 13:07:25 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:389 移动端

  一般而言,英国大学商科课程提供奖学金的课程是极少的,但近日英国雷丁大学商学院却发布了几个针对留学生的奖学金计划,根据该消息,今年九月份将去里丁大学Reading University 商学院就读硕士的中国学生,只要第一学期成绩优秀,就有望在第二学期获得高达1000英镑的奖学金。


  Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

  EU applicants for MA programmes will be considered automatically for submission for a Competition Award and selected candidates will be contacted during March. In order to be considered for these awards, applications must be received by the end of February.

  Faculty Studentships

  The Institute may nominate up to three applicants for a Faculty Studentship. All applications received bore mid-March will be considered for submission.

  School Bursaries

  Each year the school tries to offer students bursaries to assist with student study. Information is available on a yearly basis.

  We offer

  a Major bursary (three years&apos fees paid at the home rate plus a stipend of £5,000 per annum for three years);

  a Minor bursary (three years&apos fees paid at the home rate)

  a Peter Campbell bursary (three years at £2,000 per annum, restricted to those undertaking research into a topic in European government, politics or international relations)

  SCAST Awards

  The Schools Competition Act Settlement Trust seeks annual applications for a range of post-graduate awards These include a Postgraduate Research Scholarship of £15,000 per annum for three years, and up to 50 postgraduate bursaries of £2,500. Applicants must be former students of the SCAST schools, and the deadline for the Research Scholarship is usually every June.

  又到了留学签证申请的高峰期 《玩转留学签证》带你轻松搞定签证






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