

英国留学申请条件:英国伯明翰大学本科补录195+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!

2019/12/30 09:21:29 编辑:井浪花-cj 英国,综合 浏览次数:810 移动端

本文标题:英国留学申请条件:英国伯明翰大学本科补录195+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对英国伯明翰大学本科补录,英国留学申请,英国研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《英国留学申请条件:英国伯明翰大学本科补录195+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。


  Fine art

  Fine art with a foundation year

  Food and nutrition

  Garment technology

  Garment technology with a foundation year

  Gemmology and jewellery studies

  Global sport management

  Graphic communication

  Graphic communication with a foundation year

  Health studies (public health)


  Human resource management


  Illustration with a foundation year

  International business (top-up)

  International finance (top-up)

  International jewellery business

  International marketing (top-up)

  Jewellery and objects


  Journalism with a foundation year

  Landscape architecture


  Law with a foundation year

  Law with american legal studies

  Law with business

  Law with criminology

  Media and communication

  Media and communication with a foundation year

  Media production

  Media production with a foundation year

  Medical ultrasound

  Music industries

  Music industries with a foundation year

  Music journalism

  Music journalism with a foundation year

  Music technology

  Nursing - adult

  Nursing - learning disability

  Nursing - mental health

  Operating department practice

  Operating department practice (south west)


  Photography with a foundation year

  Physical education and school sport

  Popular music

  Primary education with qts

  Product and furniture design

  Professional policing

  Property development and planning

  Property development and planning with a foundation year

  Psychology with a foundation year

  Public relations and media

  Public relations and media with a foundation year

  Quantity surveying

  Quantity surveying with a foundation year


  Real estate

  Real estate with a foundation year

  Secondary computing with qts

  Secondary physical education with qts

  Secondary science (biology) with qts


  Sociology and criminology

  Sociology and criminology with a foundation year

  Sound engineering and production

  Sound engineering and production with a foundation year

  Speech and language therapy

  Sport and exercise nutrition

  Sport and exercise science

  Sports journalism

  Sports journalism with a foundation year

  Sports therapy

  Stage management

  Textile design

  Textile design with a foundation year

  Textile design: Embroidery

  Textile design: Embroidery with a foundation year

  Textile design: Fibre art

  Textile design: Fibre art with a foundation year

  Textile design: Knit and weave

  Textile design: Knit and weave with a foundation year

  Textile design: Print and surface design

  Textile design: Print and surface design with a foundation year

  Textile design: Retail, business and marketing

  Textile design: Retail, business and marketing with a foundation year

  Video game design and production

  Working with children, young people and families



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以上就是有关英国留学申请条件:英国伯明翰大学本科补录195+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!的相关内容介绍,希望对您有所帮助,对此如果还有什么想要了解的,可以关注澳际留学网相关资讯或咨询专业的顾问老师。

大多数用户曾经通过搜索:英国留学申请条件:英国伯明翰大学本科补录195+专业清单 这些好专业等你捡漏!到本页,内容来自互联网不代表本网观点,如果本网转载的稿件涉及您的版权请发邮件至gaozichang@aoji.cn,我们将第一时间本网将依照国家相关法律法规尽快妥善处理

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