本文标题:英国留学申请条件:2020年英国大学传媒专业申请条件详解 LSE领衔英国9大名校,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对2020年英国大学传媒专业申请条件,英国留学申请,英国研究生留学,海外留学,留学申请,留学网的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《英国留学申请条件:2020年英国大学传媒专业申请条件详解 LSE领衔英国9大名校》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。
Department of Media & Communications:
MSc Media & Communications
MSc Media & Communications (Research) (particularly for students wishing to pursue MPhil/PhD degrees or research-oriented careers)
MSc Media & Communications (Media & Communication Governance)
MSc Media & Communications (Data & Society)
MSc Strategic Communications
MSc Media, Communication & Development
MSc Global Media & Communications (2 years, LSE & USC)
MSc Global Media & Communications (2 years, LSE & UCT(开普敦大学))
MSc Global Media & Communications (2 years, LSE & Fudan)
MSc Politics & Communication
Department of Psychological & Behavioral Science
MSc Social & Public Communication
Department of Gender Studies
MSc Gender, Media & Culture
Department of Sociology
MSc Inequalities & Social Science
MSc Culture and Society
1.雅思:7.0 (6.5)
2.均分:85-90+,人文社科相关方向,或其他专业+media & communication领域相关工作经历(仅限MSc Media & Communications相关专业);大部分录取的学生来自网大排名top 30,有相关实践经历会是加分项。
1. 学费:21744英镑(仅供参考)
2. 除MSc Social & Public Communication和MSc Culture & Society录取率大约为20%,其他专业的平均录取率大约为10%,甚至低于10%。
Department of Culture, Communication and Media, Institute of Education
Digital Media: Critical Studies MA
Digital Media: Production MA
Digital Media: Education MA
1. 雅思:7.0 (6.5)
2. 均分:85-90+, in a relevant subject (e.g. media studies, cultural studies, art, education, digital media, interactive media, English; 或者, 非相关专业+至少1年在education, media 和/或文化产业领域工作经历
3. 申请费:75英镑
1. 这三个专业的前身是Digital Media, Culture and Education MA,2019/20学年起该专业正式分为以上三个专业,新开专业,录取情况不得而知。
2. 学费:21790英镑(仅供参考)
Department of Culture, Media & Creative Industries:
MA Cultural & Creative Industries (500-word PS & 2000-word writing sample)
MA Arts & Cultural Management (500-word PS & 2000-word writing sample)
MA Global Media Industries (500-word PS & 2000-word writing sample) (7.0, R&W 6.5, L&S 6.0)
Department of Digital Humanities:
MA Digital Culture & Society (2 question responses) (英语或相关专业)
MA Digital Asset & Media Management (2 question responses) (7.0, R&W 6.5, L&S 6.0)
1.雅思:7.0 (6.5)
2.不限专业,85 from 211/985, 90 from non-211/985
注:学费:22500英镑(数字人文系), 23940英镑(文化、媒体与创意产业系)(仅供参考)
Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Studies
MA Arts, Enterprise & Development
MA Creative & Media Enterprises
MA Global Media & Communication (in collaboration with School of Theatre and Performance Studies)
MA International Cultural Policy & Management (in collaboration with School of Theatre and Performance Studies)
Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies
MA Digital Media & Culture
1. 雅思:7.0 (two at 6.0/6.5 & rest 7.0+)
2. 均分:至少85+,相关专业
3. 学费:20270英镑(仅供参考)
5、格拉斯哥大学Centre for Cultural Policy Research and Adam Smith Business School
MSc Creative Industries & Cultural Policy (500-word PS)
A bachelor’s degree in a relevant subject
MSc Media, Communications & International Journalism (300-word PS)
A bachelor’s degree in sociology, politics, economics, history or related social science subject.
Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Adam Smith Business School and School of Law
MSc Media Management (3 question responses in the admissions statement template)
1. 雅思:6.5 (6.0)
2. 均分:85+
学费:17620英镑, 18920英镑(the 3rd one) (仅供参考)
Department of Journalism Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences
此外,还有MA International Public and Political Communication,雅思要求也比较低,6.5(6.0)
Department of Sociological Studies: MA Digital Media & Society (只接受211/985及其他网排前200)。
1. 雅思:MA Digital Media & Society, MA Global Journalism & MA International Public and Political Communication 6.5 (6.0),其他7.0 (7.0)
2. 均分:今年的新闻专业可以说严卡排名
1. 谢大管理学院还有MSc Creative and Cultural Industries Management,要求211/985,6.5(6.0)。链接如下:
2. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences还开设有名为MSc Science Communication的专业,适合本科为biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, mathematics, engineering or another science-related subject的申请人申请,语言要求为7.0(6.5)。
3. School of East Asian Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences开设Politics and Media in East Asia,focus on politics, society, business, culture and language in China, Japan and Korea,语言要求6.5,W6.5,其他5.5。
School of Media and Communication
1.雅思:6.5 (6.0)
1. MA Society, Culture & Media由School of Sociology and Social Policy授课;Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations MA由Buz School授课。
2. 同时,School of Performance and Cultural Industries还开设Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship MA,录取分数段75-85,雅思6.5 (6.0)。
3. 学费:20000英镑左右(仅供参考)
11个相关专业(不包括MA Digital Documentaries)
MA Broadcast Journalism 7.5 interview (Placement required)
MA News Journalism 7.5 interview for selected candidates (Placement required)
MA Magazine Journalism 7.5 interview (Placement required)
MA International Journalism 7.0 (6.5) (Suitable for aspiring journalists, mid-career practitioners and graduates wishing to deepen their understanding of journalism, work experience is required)
MA Journalism, Media & Communications 7.0 (6.0) (PS extremely important, theory-based) (PhD) (Suitable for graduates in the humanities and Social Sciences with appropriate disciplinary specializations)
MA Digital Media & Society 7.0 (6.0) (PS extremely important, theory-based)
MA Political Communication 7.0 (6.0)
MA International Public Relations & Global Communications Management 7.0 (6.0)
MSc Computational & Data Journalism 7.0 (6.0), Jointly offered by School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, School of Computer Science and Informatics (COMSC)
MA Cultural & Creative Industries (Suitable for graduates or experienced practitioners in related arts, humanities or social science disciplines) 7.0 (6.5) (Placement available)
MBA Media Management 7.0, jointly offered by Cardiff Business School (Suitable for graduates in a wide range of disciplines, including arts, journalism/media and science subjects as well as the usual business-oriented degrees.)
1. 雅思:7.0 – 7.5,或6.5 (5.5) + 10周pre-sessional English course
2. 均分,70-85,不卡排名
9、纽卡斯尔大学School of Arts and Culture和School of Education, Communication and Language Science均有传媒相关专业
School of Arts and Culture
MA Media & Journalism (advanced study to PhD)
MA Media & Public Relations
MA Intl Multimedia Journalism
School of Education, Communication and Language Science
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