


刚刚更新 编辑:井浪花-cj 美国,综合 浏览次数:419 移动端


  休斯顿大学 University of Houston

  Master of Music in Performance Pedagogy

  波士顿大学 Boston University

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance - PianoUS$40,848 a year

  Master of Music in Performance - PianoUS$40,848 a year

  亚利桑那州立大学 Arizona State University

  DMA in Music - Collaborative PianoUS$24,548 a year

  DMA in Music - PianoUS$24,548 a year

  约翰霍普金斯大学 Johns Hopkins University

  Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Performance - Organ and Piano: Options A and BUS$37,000 a year

  Master of Music in PianoUS$37,000 a year

  中密西根大学 Central Michigan University

  Master of Music  in Piano Pedagogy

  纽约大学 New York University

  M.M. in Music Performance and Composition - Concentration in Collaborative PianoUS$33,168 a year

  M.M. in Music Performance and Composition - Concentration in Solo PianoUS$33,168 a year

  犹他大学 University of Utah

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Performance

  Master of Music in Collaborative Piano

  纽约州立大学帕切斯学院Purchase College, State University of New York

  Master of Music - Concentration in Piano PerformanceUS$15,160 a year

  南卡罗来纳大学 University of South Carolina

  DMA in Performance - PianoUS$23,444 a year

  DMA in Piano Pedagogy - Dissertation TrackUS$23,444 a year

  密歇根州立大学 Michigan State University

  Master of Music in Collaborative Piano

  Master of Music in Music Performance - Instrumental Music

  威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin - Madison

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative PianoUS$25,170 a year

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Performance and PedagogyUS$25,170 a year

  雪城大学 Syracuse University

  M.Mus. in PianoUS$22,482 a year

  美国天主教大学 Catholic University of America

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Pedagogy - Piano PedagogyUS$35,260 a year

  Master of Music - Piano PerformanceUS$35,260 a year

  北德克萨斯大学 University of North Texas

  Master of Music with a Major in Performance - Specialization in Collaborative PianoUS$11,900 a year

  Master of Music with a Major in Performance - Specialization in PianoUS$11,900 a year

  迈阿密大学 University of Miami

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative PianoUS$29,880 a year

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano PerformanceUS$29,880 a year

  印第安纳大学伯明顿分校 Indiana University Bloomington

  Doctor of Music in Music Literature and Performance - PianoUS$25,150 a year

  Master of Music in Performance - PianoUS$25,150 a year

  密歇根大学安娜堡分校 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

  Master of Music in Collaborative PianoUS$38,020 a year

  Master of Music in Collaborative PianoUS$38,020 a year

  东密歇根大学 Eastern Michigan University

  Master of Music in Performance - PianoUS$19,050 a year

  Master of Music in Piano PedagogyUS$19,050 a year

  俄亥俄大学 Ohio University

  Master of Music in Piano Performance

  Master of Music in Performance - Piano-Pedagogy

  华盛顿大学 University of Washington

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano PerformanceUS$25,768 a year

  Master of Music in Piano PerformanceUS$25,768 a year

  波士顿音乐学院 Boston Conservatory

  Master of Music in Piano PerformanceUS$35,300 a year

  罗切斯特大学 University of Rochester

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance and Literature - Piano

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music

  路易斯安那州立大学 Louisiana State University

  Doctor of Musical Arts - Piano PerformanceUS$20,100 a year

  Master of Music - Piano PedagogyUS$20,100 a year

  罗斯福大学 Roosevelt University

  Master of Music in Music Performance - PianoUS$32,950 a year

  乔治亚州立大学 Georgia State University

  Master of Music-Concentration in Performance US$28,800 a year

  Master of Music-Concentration in Piano PedagogyUS$28,800 a year

  贝勒大学 Baylor University

  MM Piano PedagogyUS$21,546 a year

  詹姆斯麦迪逊大学 James Madison University

  Doctor of Musical Arts - PianoUS$22,656 a year

  南佛罗里达大学 University of South Florida

  Master of Music  Degree in Piano Pedagogy US$19,760 a year

  夏威夷大学马诺分校 University of Hawaii At Manoa

  Master of Music in Piano Performance

  丹佛大学 University of Denver

  Master of Music in Jazz Studies - PianoUS$38,232 a year

  Master of Music in Performance - PianoUS$38,232 a year

  阿肯色州立大学 Arkansas State University

  Master of Music in Performance - Piano Performance and PedagogyUS$8087.04 a year

  杜肯大学 Duquesne University

  Master of Music: Major in Piano Performance

  Master of Music: Major in Piano Performance

  俄亥俄州立大学 The Ohio State University

  Master of Arts in Piano Pedagogy - Plan A US$30,153 a year

  Master of Arts in Piano Pedagogy - Plan B US$30,153 a year

  加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校 University of California Irvine

  Master of Fine Arts in Music - Collaborative PianoUS$30045.50 a year

  Master of Fine Arts in Music - Piano PerformanceUS$30045.50 a year

  新英格兰音乐学院 New England Conservatory

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative PianoUS$36,250 a year

  Doctor of Musical Arts in PianoUS$36,250 a year

  西北大学 Northwestern University

  Doctor of Music in Piano PerformanceUS$41,592 a year

  Master of Music Education and Piano PedagogyUS$41,592 a year

  圣地亚哥州立大学 San Diego State University

  Master of Arts in Piano PedagogyUS$14,500 a year

  宾州西彻斯特大学 West Chester University of Pennsylvania

  Master of Music in Performance US$11,232 a year

  Master of Music in Piano PedagogyUS$11,232 a year

  佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University

  MA Music - Piano Technology TrackUS$18,979 a year

  Master of Music Education - Piano Pedagogy TrackUS$18,979 a year

  内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 University of Nebraska-Lincoln

  Master of Music in Performance - PianoUS$13,338 a year

  Master of Music in Piano PedagogyUS$13,338 a year

  得克萨斯理工大学 Texas Tech University

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano PedagogyUS$17,380 a year

  茱莉亚学院 Juilliard School

  Master of Music - Collaborative PianoUS$33,630 a year

  Master of Music - PianoUS$33,630 a year

  明尼苏达大学双子城分校 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative Piano/CoachingUS$23,326 a year

  Doctor of Musical Arts in PianoUS$23,326 a year

  瑞德大学 Rider University

  Master of Music in Piano Accompanying and CoachingUS$31,330 a year

  Master of Music in Piano Pedagogy and PerformanceUS$31,330 a year

  奥斯丁得克萨斯大学 University of Texas At Austin

  DMA in Music and Human Learning - Piano Pedagogy

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano and Keyboard

  西南浸信会神学院 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Church Music - Piano Pedagogy

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Church Music - Piano Performance

  旧金山音乐学院 San Francisco Conservatory of Music

  Master of Music in Piano AccompanyingUS$37,600 a year

  温索普大学 Winthrop University

  Master of Music in Performance - Piano Pedagogy TrackUS$22,792 a year

  圣安东尼奥得克萨斯大学 University of Texas At San Antonio

  Master of Music Degree in Piano Pedagogy and Performance

  东卡罗来纳州立大学 East Carolina University

  MM in Piano PerformanceUS$14,351 a year

  MM in Piano PedagogyUS$14,351 a year

  维奇他州立大学 Wichita State University

  Master of Music in Performance – Piano PedagogyUS$11,707 a year

  Master of Music in Performance- PianoUS$11,707 a year

  天普大学 Temple University

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Piano PerformanceUS$23,064 a year

  Master of Music in Piano Accompanying and Chamber MusicUS$23,064 a year

  俄勒冈大学 University of Oregon

  Doctor of Philosophy  in Music Theory - Piano PedagogyUS$22,191 a year

  Master of Music  in Music Performance - Keyboard: Harpsichord, Organ, Piano, Collaborative PianoUS$22,191 a year

  辛辛那堤大学 University of Cincinnati

  Doctor of Musical Arts in PianoUS$24,825 a year

  Master of Music in PianoUS$24,825 a year

  加州艺术学院 California Institute of The Arts

  MFA in Piano/Keyboard - Collaborative KeyboardUS$38,438 a year

  内华达大学里诺分校 University of Nevada, Reno

  MM Performance in Collaborative PianoUS$19,000 a year

  俄克拉荷马市立大学 Oklahoma City University

  Master of Music- Performance US$16,848 a year

  宾州曼斯菲尔德大学 Mansfield University of Pennsylvania

  Master of Arts in Music  in Collaborative PianoUS$11,232 a year

  佛罗里达国际大学 Florida International University - University Graduate School

  Master of Music in Performance - Applied PianoUS$21,496 a year

  Master of Music in Performance - Piano AccompanyingUS$21,496 a year

  罗格斯,新泽西州立大学,新不伦瑞克/皮斯卡塔韦校区 Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey,New Brunswick/Piscataway

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Collaborative Piano PerformanceUS$23,664 a year

  Master of Music in Collaborative Piano PerformanceUS$23,664 a year

  威斯康星大学米尔沃基分校 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

  Master of Music in Collaborative Piano - InstrumentalUS$24,412 a year

  Master of Music in Collaborative Piano - VocalUS$24,412 a year

  霍夫顿学院 Houghton College

  Master of Music in Piano PerformanceUS$12,240 a year

  德州基督教大学 Texas Christian University

  Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance with Cognate in Piano PedagogyUS$21,648 a year

  Master of Music Education in Piano PedagogyUS$21,648 a year

  圣名大学 Holy Names University

  Master of Music in Piano PedagogyUS$14,400 a year

  密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 University of Missouri Kansas City

  Doctoral Program in Piano PerformanceUS$16,340 a year

  Masters in Piano PerformanceUS$16,340 a year

  莱斯大学 Rice University

  Doctor of Musical Arts in PianoUS$25,900 a year

  Master of Music in Piano Chamber Music and AccompanyingUS$25,900 a year





  硕士没有同时读双专业的可能性。转专业的话只能是以重新申请的形式来进行。最多就是你以钢琴演奏的专业进入学校,然后私下学习以后你觉得自己可以转Jazz或者film scoring了,到申请季节就去申,申上了这边就退学,那边入学重新开始读。


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