

美国留学申请文书——EE-图像处理 PS-美国留学申请

2019/06/18 09:51:10 编辑:井浪花-cj 美国,综合 浏览次数:512 移动端

本文标题:美国留学申请文书——EE-图像处理 PS-美国留学申请,如今留学的人越来越多,不论高中生、大学生还是读研的学生,都想早日去留学接受好的教育,很多同学对美国留学,美国留学中介,美国留学,美国留学条件,美国留学网,美国留学申请的相关问题有所疑问,下面澳际小编整理了《美国留学申请文书——EE-图像处理 PS-美国留学申请》,欢迎阅读,如有疑问欢迎联系我们的在线老师,进行一对一答疑。

  Upon entering Xidian University, I began to embark on my journey of industrious study in Electrical Engineering. From the very outset of my undergraduate career, I made up my mind to fully exploit all the available resources of my university to achieve comprehensive self-development and what I have achieved adequately testifies to the rewarding undergraduate life that I have been living. My undergraduate education offers a curriculum that has covered all the major fields in communication engineering, such as CAD & EDA, Image Processing, Digital Signal processing and so forth. Compared with most of my classmates, I have a wider range of interests and ken of knowledge, more receptive to new ideas and adept at understanding difficult concepts and theories. My academic performance can fully demonstrate my commitment to coursework and to my unswerving interest in science. My performance in all the specialty-related coursework furnished me with a powerful instrument whereby to materialize my dreams in the research.

  As I regard the class as a palace in which knowledge is accumulated, then the laboratory should be the golden place for practice. So I set up a team with 2 classmates and participated the “Spark Cup” of Electronic Design Contest held by our university in 2005. In this contest, we tried to develop an electronic lock based on RFID technology. Since time and resource are limited, we chose PT2262, PT2272 as the basic chips instead of programmable SCM. To make a convenient and mini-type lock, we designed a key electrocircuit without power. Applying PROTEL and the RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)technology, we designed a totally new circuit, and made the plate making by adopting the specifications of the inserting components. In order to reduce the cubage, we set the emission frequency of the lock circuit on 6.8 MHz, which could decrease the integrating loop in order to be printed on the circuit board. However, problem came just in our debugging process right after wielding of the circuit because we found that its functions could not be achieved. After further measurement, I found that it was because the inductive voltage of the Key Circuit is too low. At the beginning, I thought that it was the error which resulted in the failure of resonance. Therefore, I adjusted the LC resonance circuit. However, the condition was not improved after the adjustment, i.e. the communication purpose was still not achieved. Facing this difficulty, I made the measurement and analysis with the oscillograph on the practical numbers. I found that the electromagnetic wave of the Key Circuit was not smooth enough with the some distortions, which might be caused by the errors aroused by too low Q value. Realizing this, we redesigned the circuit with specified SMT with high Q value. Besides, we installed the short antenna on the LC resonance circuit in order to improve its sensibility. In this way, we finally solved the problem.

  During this process, I learned much more things that were not available in the text books. It cultivated my comprehensive quality, such as cooperation ability, computer application skills, being able for the literature retrieval, as well as the paper composing skills. Such a process was full of happiness and distress. What I learned most was that things can not be well done without smooth cooperation. Beside, this experience also offered me a simple experience of science research work. The preciseness and the bold innovation that are required during the science work were fully incarnated in this competition.

  Image & Signal Processing and Wireless Communication are the subjects which I will focus on in my prospective PhD’s program and I believe that *** is the prestigious university which could develop me into a leading specialist in these arduous but exhilarative fields. I firmly believe that “the best way to learn is to learn from the best” and this constitutes the true motivation behind my present application. Your university’s highly interactive and competitive educational model will be very appropriate for me after a thorough study of your program introduction. Developing a good command of the theoretical knowledge and gaining much practical experience deepen my understanding of these subjects.

  In this technology-dominated age, I am sure that as long as I can make some important achievements in my chosen technological fields, I can contribute to social progress by achieving technological advances. Upon completion of my graduate studies, I will return to China to apply what I have learned in order to make my own contribution to my homeland. I plan either to take up a teaching and research career in a major Chinese university or to work for a high-tech corporation. On my journey of life, I am bound to encounter a lot more challenges and opportunities. But as long as the value of my life can be ultimately fulfilled, all the hardships and strenuous efforts are worthwhile. I strive, therefore I am joyous.


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