


2018/08/21 17:08:59 编辑:李彦军 浏览次数:210 移动端

随着商业分析(Business Analytics)专业就业的火爆,申请的学生越来越多,学校录取的要求也随之水涨船高,对于条件受限的学生,如何避开?

救星来啦!!!马里兰大学-University of Maryland的“调研方法”专业实为好的弥补。

所在学院:The Graduate School

专业名称:Survey Methodology, Master of Science (M.S.)


TOEFL:100 (90-99可入读English Bridge Program,84-89可入读Intensive English)


申请截止:January 05


Statistical Science

Social and Psychological Science

Data Science

以Data Science为例,开设的课程为:

Statistical Modeling I

Statistical Modeling II

Total Survey Error and Data Quality I

Total Survey Error and Data Quality II

Survey Design Seminar

Applications of Statistical Modeling

Fundamentals of Data Collection I

Fundamentals of Data Collection II

Fundamentals of Computing and Data Display


Entry to the statistical science concentration requires three undergraduate courses in calculus, one in linear algebra, and one in statistics. Entry to the social science concentration requires two undergraduate quantitative courses, at least one of which is in statistics, and at least two undergraduate courses in the social sciences. Entry to the data science concentration requires some background in computer science, with a minimum of two semesters of programming coursework, and also at least one semester of statistics.

经验: 案例: 擅长:

  • 澳际QQ群:610247479
  • 澳际QQ群:445186879
  • 澳际QQ群:414525537