


2017/04/05 11:34:03 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:357 移动端



Athlete 运动员

Intellectual 爱学习的好学生

Hipster 有风格的愤青

Prep 习惯了富裕生活的人

Emo 文艺青年


I want everyone to have heard of my college 我想去一个特别有名的大学

It’s okay if people haven’t heard of my college bore. I know it’s great school. 我不在乎别人有没有听过我的学校,我知道这是一个很好的学校。

In college I want to have the big city at my fingertips! 我想去一个在一个大城市的大学

I want my classmates to dress like me-classic and colorful with collars always up. 我想有一群打扮得很好的同学环绕在我身边。

I can’t wait to go to school with people who understand me! 我希望我身边的人都能够理解我的所思所想。


Is too far away from home. 离家太远(这个对于中国学生就是扯淡。哪个美国学校离中国不远啊)

Isn’t in the quintessential college town.不在一个大学城里

Isn’t in a big city. 不在一个大城市里

Has too many students who don’t summer in Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard. 大家都不到高级度假村独家

Doesn’t care about political issues. 不关心政治


I’ll see lots of people that I have never met bore. 我会看见很多我不认识的人。

I’ll see half my friends on the way and know almost all the people I see who are in my year.我碰见的一半人都是我的朋友,而且大部分人我都见过了。

I’ll be surrounded by the noises, people, and cars that fill a busy, buzzing city.我会置身于一个喧嚣的城市之中

It will look like a Ralph Lauren fashion show.所有人看起来都会像时装表演一样漂亮。

I’ll be almost too busy reading all the posters about political activism events that are going on around campus to walk.我会忙着看身边关于政治活动的海报

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