

2017美国留学 全方位解析犯罪学与刑事司法专业

2017/08/22 18:38:32 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:629 移动端

犯罪学与刑事司法 Criminology and criminal justice



2009 US News


1.University of Maryland- College Park

2.University at Albany- SUNY

3.University of Cincinnati

4.University of Missouri- St. Louis

5.Pennsylvania State University- University Park

6.University of California- Irvine

7.Florida State University

8.Michigan State University

9.Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey- Newark

10.CUNY- John Jay College


1.工作于美国财政部,管理局代理人(ATF agents):就藏有及售卖酒精,烟草和枪支等问题实施和执行美国的法律。薪酬范围$25,000-$50,000

2.法警人员(Bailiffs): 确保法庭安全,平均薪金$35,000。

3.中央情报局特工(CIA agents):薪酬范围$30,000-$60,000

4.美国海岸警卫队(U.S. Coast Guard):薪酬范围$42,000-$85,000

5.督察人员(Compliance officers):they enforce and implement rules in all areas of the public and private sector, including environmental organizations and workers’ rights. 薪酬范围$41,729-$70,000

6.计算机犯罪(Computer forensics):比如计算机网络安全咨询师,平均可赚$85,000-$120,000. Different academic programs and professional certifications that can give you the experience you need to apply for a position in this field. You may need to design your own college program, mixing and combining various training courses and specialty internships.


8.法院书记员(court clerk):起薪$27,300

9.法院记者(court reporter):薪酬范围$20,000-$50,000。You may enroll in court reporting school or in a court reporting program at a community college.

10.犯罪现场调查(Crime scene investigators):薪酬范围:$20,000 - $50,000.

11.Criminalist:识别,比较,分析和解释的实物证据。薪酬范围:$35,000 - $50,000

12.犯罪学家(Criminologists):犯罪学家研究犯罪和刑事法。他们分析犯罪行为模式和刑事法律,并提供理论解释为犯罪和犯罪行为。薪酬范围:$38,000 - $80,000

13.美国毒品管制员(DEA agent):薪酬范围:$35,000 - $50,000

14.海关代理(Customs agents):海关检查人员,薪酬范围:$28,349 - $45,648


16.法医心理学(forensic psychologists):Once you graduate, you can take a licensing test or certification test to become a psychologist. 起薪$53,000

17.移民局代理(INS agents, or ICE agents):必须是美国公民,在美国居住5年以上,年龄40岁以下。薪酬范围:$47,791- $61,671.

18.特情处(Secret service agents):美国政府、国土安全部任职,必须美国公民。

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