

2017美国留学 哈佛大学MBA留学费用预算

刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:477 移动端

1 The University Health Services Fee is obligatory regardless of your health insurance status.

美国<a href='http://www.aoji.cn/' target='_blank' style='color:#E95237'>留学</a>

2 The BC/BS expense may be waived upon proof of health insurance coverage.

3 Fee includes expenses for books, cases, (web-based) course materials, and other materials you receive in your courses. This fee also remains constant, unless you leave for more than one term.

4 This number is an estimate based on the experiences of most MBA students. Your actual personal expenses may be higher or lower. Please note that eligibility for federal student aid is based on the single student budget.



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