

2017 北美各种医药考试-MCAT

2017/08/22 15:05:09 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:281 移动端



全称:Medical College Admission Test(MCAT)

用途:主要用于申请 等国家的MD项目

You may sit for the exam if you are preparing to apply to a health professions school. These include schools of: Allopathic, Osteopathic, Podiatric, and Veterinary Medicine.

考试次数:一年很多次 但每人每年最多考3次 但不能同时注册多次考试

考试内容:? Physical Sciences,

? Verbal Reasoning,

? Writing Sample, and

? Biological Sciences

各部分分别为一段文章加几道题目, 题目一般与文章相关,有的用到文章里的知识,有的要求应试者对以前课程的把握。

考试时间分布:Test Section Questions Time

Tutorial (optional) 10 minutes

Non-Disclosure Aement 5 minutes

Physical Sciences 52 70 minutes

Break (optional) 10 minutes

Verbal Reasoning 40 60 minutes

Break (optional) 10 minutes

Writing Sample 2 60 minutes

Break (optional) 10 minutes

Biological Sciences 52 70 minutes

Void Question 5 minutes

Survey 10 minutes

Total Content Time 4 hours,20 minutes

Total “Seat” Time 5 hours,20 minutes

Total time does not include check-in time on arrival

考试费用:Regular Registration $210

International Test Site $60

Late Registration $50

Date Reschedule $50

Change of Test Center $50


送分: 有的非美国学校不在自动送分的学校里 需要设置

参考书目:Princeton Review, Barron, Kaplan


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