

2017新西兰留学 新西兰大学奖学金介绍

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2017新西兰留学 新西兰大学奖学金介绍 ,小编为大家整理了关于2017新西兰留学 新西兰大学奖学金介绍 的介绍,下面跟着澳际留学网一起来了解一下2017新西兰留学 新西兰大学奖学金介绍 ,欢迎大家阅读。



University Scholarships (大学所提供的獎學金)

The University of Auckland

Auckland University of Technology

The University of Waikato Massey University

Victoria University of Wellington

University of Canterbury

Lincoln University

University of Otago

Undergraduate Scholarships (学士学位所提供的獎學金)

Bank of New Zealand Undergraduate Scholarship

Douglas Myers Scholarship

Girdlers' Scholarship

Kitchener Memorial Scholarship

Mervyn Sterling Memorial Scholarship

Ministry of Transport Maori Scholarship

Ministry of Transport Pacific Island Scholarship

New Zealand Association of Economists Scholarship

Sullivan Scholarship

Tower Corporation Undergraduate Scholarship

Tranz Rail Undergraduate Scholarship

Postgraduate Scholarships (研究生所提供的獎學金)

Bank of New Zealand Graduate Scholarship

Bank of New Zealand Research Fellowship

Bing's Scholarship

Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Prince of Wales' Scholarship

Claude McCarthy Fellowship

Edward and Isabel Kidson Scholarship

Dick and Mary Earle Scholarship in Technology

FPA Alice Bush Scholarship

Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship

French Teaching Assistantship

French Postgraduate Scholarship

Freyberg Scholarship

Gerald Agnew Postgraduate Research Fellowship

Gerald Agnew Graduate Scholarship

Gordon Watson Scholarship

L B Wood Travelling Scholarship

New Zealand Law Foundation Ethel Benjamin Prize

Patricia Pratt Scholarship in Musical Performance

Petroleum Exploration Association Scholarship for Excellence in Earth Science

Pukehou Pouto Scholarship

Resource Management Law Association Graduate Scholarship

Rhodes Scholarship

Road Safety Trust Research Scholarships

Shirtcliffe Fellowship

The Todd Foundation

Awards for Excellence Transfund New Zealand Postgraduate Scholarships

William Georgetti Scholarship


以上就是关于2017新西兰留学 新西兰大学奖学金介绍 的介绍,希望大家能有所了解。如果大家还想了解更多留学资讯,欢迎关注澳际留学网,更多精彩敬请期待。

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