

2017Financial Aid 经济资助

2017/08/17 05:51:40 编辑: 浏览次数:253 移动端

Money provided to the student and the family to help them pay for the student s education. Major forms of financial aid include gift aid(grants and scholarships)and self-help aid(loans and work).

2017Financial Aid 经济资助

其实我们通常所讲的美国大学的奖学金叫做Financial Aid,也就是经济资助。经济资助分为6种形式,助学金(Fellowship),奖学金(Scholarship),学费减免(Tuition-Waiver),助研和助教 (Research Assistantship Teaching Assistantship),校内住宿减免和校外住宿节省(On or Off-Campus Housing Credit or Saving)和校内工作(On-Campus Job)。这六种形式都是可以申请的。


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