

2017Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts 纤维,纺织和织造艺术

2017/08/16 20:01:46 编辑: 浏览次数:237 移动端

2017Fiber, Textile and Weaving Arts  纤维,纺织和织造艺术

University of Massachusetts Dartmouth|College of Visual Performing Arts

Location: North Dartmouth, MA

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

Virginia Commonwealth University|School of the Arts

Location: Richmond, VA

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported

Wayne State University|College of Fine, Performing, Communication Arts

Location: Detroit, MI

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.0

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