

2017Music Management and Merchandising 音乐管理与销售

2017/08/16 19:51:12 编辑: 浏览次数:640 移动端

2017Music Management and Merchandising  音乐管理与销售

Carnegie Mellon University|H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy Management

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.3

New York University|The Steinhardt School of Education

Location: New York, NY

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.3

Southern Utah University|College of Performing Visual Arts

Location: Cedar City, UT

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5

University of Cincinnati|College-Conservatory of Music

Location: Cincinnati, OH

Degrees: Master s

Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.6

West Virginia University|College of Creative Arts

Location: Morgantown, WV

Degrees: Doctorate, Master s, Professional

Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.6

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