


2017/08/16 11:15:33 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:979 移动端

美国景观设计专业大学。美国景观设计专业包含两个专业方向,即景观规划(landscape planning)和景观设计(landscape design)。景观设计学与建筑学、城市规划、环境艺术、市政工程设计等学科有紧密的联系,而景观设计学所关注的问题是土地和人类产外空间的问题(仅这一点就有别于建筑学)它与现代意义上的城市规划的主要区别在于景观设计学是物质空间的规划和设计,包括城市与区域的物质空间规划设计,而城市规划更主要关注社会经济和城市总体发展计划。由于中国景观设计发展滞后,中国目前的城市物质空间规划设计仍然由城市规划专业所担当。只有同时掌握关于自然系统和社会系统双方面知识、懂得如何协调人与自然关系的景观设计师,才有可能设计人地关系和谐的城市。



Auburn University (master s program only)

Arizona State University (bachelor s and a new master s program)

University of Arizona (master s program only)

University of Arkansas (bachelor s program only)

Ball State University

Boston Architectural College (BLA + MLA)

California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (bachelor s program only)

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Davis (bachelor s program only)

Chatham University (master s program only)

City College of New York (bachelor s and a new master s program)

Clemson University

Colorado State University (bachelor s program, master s program introduced 2010)

University of Colorado Denver (master s program only)

University of Connecticut (bachelor s program only)

Cornell University (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) (B.S. M.L.A.)

University of Florida

Florida A M University (master s program only)

Florida International University (FIU School of Architecture)

University of Georgia (College of Environment Design)

Harvard University (master s program only)

University of Idaho (bachelor s program only)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Illinois Institute of Technology \

Iowa State University

Kansas State University

University of Kentucky (bachelor s program only)

Louisiana State University

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Michigan State University (bachelor s program only)

University of Michigan (master s program only)

University of Minnesota (master s program only)

Mississippi State University

Morgan State University (master s program only)

University of Nebraska at Lincoln

University of Nevada, Las Vegas (bachelor s program only)

New School of Architecture and Design, San Diego

University of New Mexico (master s program only)

North Carolina A T State University (bachelor s program only) )

North Carolina State University h 0tH59_

North Dakota State University (bachelor s program only)

Ohio State University c)*T2 .(

Oklahoma State University (bachelor s program only)

University of Oklahoma (master s program only)

University of Oregon (B.L.A M.L.A.)

University of Pennsylvania (master s program only)

Pennsylvania State University (bachelor s program only)

Purdue University (bachelor s program only)

University of Rhode Island (bachelor s program only)

Rhode Island School of Design

Rutgers University (bachelor s program only)

State University of New York - Environmental Science and Forestry (BLA + MLA)

Temple University (bachelor s program only)

Texas A M University

Texas Tech University

University of Tennessee at Knoxville (master s program only)

University of Texas at Arlington (master s program only)

University of Texas at Austin (master s program only)

Utah State University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

University of Virginia (master s program only)

Washington State University (accredited BLA, and MSLA program)

Washington University in St. Louis (master s program only)

University of Washington

West Virginia University (bachelor s program only)

University of Wisconsin Madison (bachelor s program only)



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