


2017/08/16 09:02:07 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:494 移动端




西雅图大学 Seattle University

Master of Software Engineering

华盛顿大学 Eastern Washington University

Masters of Science in Computer Science - Software SystemsUS$20,631 a year

Syracuse University

Masters of Science in Computer Engineering - Software TrackUS$22,482 a year

内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校 University of Nebraska-Omaha

M.S. in Computer Science - Software EngineeringUS$11,205 a year

伊利诺理工学院 Illinois Institute of Technology

Master of Computer Science with specialization in Software EngineeringUS$19,008 a year

Master of Computer Science with specialization in Software EngineeringUS$19,008 a year

Miami University

Combined Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering with Master of Computer Science - Industry Track

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

MS in Computer Science and Engineering - Software SystemsUS$38,020 a year

MSE in Computer Science and Engineering - Software SystemsUS$38,020 a year

罗彻斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$35,976 a year

BS/MS in Computer Engineering

加州州立大学萨克拉门托分校 California State University Sacramento

Master of Science in Software Engineering

加州州立大学福乐顿分校 California State University Fullerton

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software EngineeringUS$14,090 a year

克利夫兰州立大学 Cleveland State University


Master of Computer and Information Science - Software Engineering Track

Master of Science in Software Engineering - Non Thesis Option

斯特福大学 Stratford University


Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$11,070 a year

北达科塔州立大学 North Dakota State University


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Software EngineeringUS$13,177 a year

Master of Science (M.S.) in Software EngineeringUS$13,177 a year

中央密苏里大学 University of Central Missouri


MS in Information Technology - Software EngineeringUS$13,332 a year

西弗吉尼亚大学 West Virginia University


Master of Science in Computer Science - Software and Knowledge EngineeringUS$19,508 a year

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - Software and Knowledge EngineeringUS$19,508 a year

南加州大学 University of Southern California

Master of Science in Computer Software EngineeringUS$43,722 a year

美国管理技术大学 University of Management And Technology

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software EngineeringUS$9,360 a year

堪萨斯州立大学 Kansas State University

Master of Software Engineering (MSE)US$16,798 a year

卡内基美隆大学 Carnegie Mellon University

Master of Software EngineeringUS$37,600 a year

Ph.D Program in Software EngineeringUS$37,600 a year

奥本大学 Auburn University Graduate School

Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Software Engineering

Master of Science in Computer Science and Software Engineering

伦斯勒理工学院 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Master of Engineering in Computer and Systems Engineering - Software EngineeringUS$43,350 a year

陶森大学 Towson University

M.S. in Applied Information Technology - Software EngineeringUS$15,100 a year

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software EngineeringUS$15,100 a year

查尔斯顿学院 College of Charleston

Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences - Software Engineering (Non-Thesis Option)

Master of Science in Computer and Information Sciences - Software Engineering (Project Thesis Option)

斯克兰顿大学 University of Scranton

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$10,344 a year

德克萨斯州立大学圣马科斯分校 Texas State University-San Marcos

Master of Science in Software Engineering - Non-ThesisUS$14,010 a year

Master of Science in Software Engineering - ThesisUS$14,010 a year

马里兰大学分院 University of Maryland University College

Master of Science in Information Technology: Software EngineeringUS$11,862 a year

乔治梅森大学 George Mason University

Masters of Science in Software EngineeringUS$20,065 a year

PhD in IT - Concentration in Software EngineeringUS$20,065 a year

达拉斯得克萨斯大学 University of Texas At Dallas

Doctor of Philosophy in Software EngineeringUS$20,212 a year

M.S. in Computer Science with Major in Software EngineeringUS$20,212 a year

东卡罗来纳州立大学 East Carolina University

MS in Software EngineeringUS$14,351 a year

阿拉斯加安科拉基分校大学 University of Alaska Anchorage

MS in Computer Science - Software Engineering TrackUS$13,680 a year

布莱德利大学 Bradley University

Master of Science in Computer Information Systems - Software Engineering Concentration

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software Engineering Concentration

维纳诺瓦大学 Villanova University


MS Degree in Software Engineering

Colorado Technical University Denver

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software Engineering

Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico

Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering (M.Eng.Cp.E.) - Software Engineering (Non-Thesis Option)

Master of Science in Computer Engineering (M.S.Cp.E) - Software Engineering (Thesis Option)

国立大学 National University

Master of Science Software EngineeringUS$9,720 a year

圣安东尼奥得克萨斯大学 University of Texas At San Antonio

Master of Science Degree in Computer Science - Concentration in Software Engineering

卡拉尔大学 Carroll University

BS in Computer Science and Master of Software Engineering

北福罗里达大学 University of North Florida

MS in Software EngineeringUS$18,664 a year

科罗拉多大学科罗拉多斯普林斯分校 University of Colorado At Colorado Springs

Master of Engineering - Focus in Software EngineeringUS$16,937 a year

佛罗里达理工学院 Florida Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Software Engineering

国际科技大学 International Technological University

Master s of Science in Software Engineering

阿拉巴马大学亨茨维尔分校 University of Alabama In Huntsville

Master of Science in Software Engineering - NonThesisUS$23,956 a year

Master of Science in Software Engineering - ThesisUS$23,956 a year

德鲁大学 Andrews University

MS in Software EngineeringUS$21,288 a year

Colorado Technical University

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software EngineeringUS$11,760 a year

Colorado Technical University Sioux Falls

Master of Science in Computer Science - Concentration in Software Engineering

瑞吉斯大学 Regis University

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$10,296 a year

San Francisco State University (Graduate Studies Division)

M.S. in Computer Science: Concentration in Software Engineering

西佛罗里达大学 University of West Florida

Master of Science in Software Engineering

摩斯大学 Mercer University

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) in Software Engineering or Master of Science (MS) in Software Systems

斯蒂文斯理工学院 Stevens Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Information Systems - Software EngineeringUS$21,960 a year

南卫理公会大学 Southern Methodist University

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$19,152 a year

阿拉斯加费班克大学 University of Alaska Fairbanks

M.S.E. Degree in Software EngineeringUS$15,186 a year

高级科技大学 University of Advancing Technology

Master of Science in Technology - Software Engineering

宾夕法尼亚州立大学大峡谷分校 The Pennsylvania State University Great Valley Campus

Master of Software EngineeringUS$26,100 a year

底特律梅西大学 University of Detroit Mercy

Master of Science in Computer Science - Software Engineering

加州州立大学北岭分校 California State University Northridge

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$15,666 a year

安柏瑞德航空航天大学--代托纳比奇分校 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach

Master of Software EngineeringUS$14,340 a year

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering/Master of Software Engineering

奥克兰大学 Oakland University

MS in Embedded Systems - Professional TrackUS$18,672 a year

MS in Embedded Systems - Research TrackUS$18,672 a year

南方大学工农学院 Southern University And Agricultural And Mechanical College

Master of Science in Computer Science - Programming Languages/Software EngineeringUS$5,954 a year

威斯康星拉克罗斯大学 University of Wisconsin La Crosse

Dual Degree Program in Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Software Engineering

Master of Software Engineering (MSE)

马里兰洛约拉学院 Loyola University Maryland

Master of Science in Software Engineering

圣托马斯大学 University of St Thomas - Minnesota

Master of Science degree in Software Engineering

玛丽蒙特大学 Marymount University

M.S. in Information Technology - Software Engineering

堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas

Master s of Science in Information Technology - Software Engineering and ManagementUS$17,618 a year

加努恩大学 Gannon University

Master of Science in Computer and Information Science - Software Engineering

Master of Science in Embedded Software Engineering

圣约瑟夫大学 Saint Joseph s University

MS in Computer Science - Software Engineering

圣克拉拉大学 Santa Clara University

Five Year Combined B.S. in Computer Science and M.S. in Computer Engineering or Software

斯特耶大学 Strayer University

Master of Science in Information Systems - Software Engineering Management

费尔菲尔德大学 Fairfield University

Master of Science in Software Engineering - Computer Networking SpecializationUS$14,400 a year

Master of Science in Software Engineering - Computer Programming SpecializationUS$14,400 a year

蒙茅斯大学 Monmouth University

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$16,596 a year

Master of Science in Software Engineering - Information ManagementUS$16,596 a year

北卡罗莱那农业理工州立大学 North Carolina Agricultural And Technical State University

Masters of Science in Computer Science - Software engineeringUS$16,384 a year

Masters of Science in Computer Science - Software engineering: ProjectUS$16,384 a year

宾州州立大学哈利斯堡学院 Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg Campus

M.S. in Information Systems - Software EngineeringUS$29,000 a year

密歇根大学蒂尔博分校 University of Michigan - Dearborn

Masters in Software EngineeringUS$18,228 a year

德保罗大学 DePaul University

MS in Software Engineering - Gaming and Entertainment Technologies Concentration

MS in Software Engineering - Project Management Concentration

得克萨斯理工大学 Texas Tech University

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$17,380 a year

Master of Science in Software Engineering MSSEUS$17,380 a year

圣托马斯大学 University of St. Thomas Minnesota (International Recruiting and Admissions)

M. S. in Software Engineering

M.S. in Software Engineering - Bio Informatics

海军研究生院 Naval Postgraduate School

Doctor of Philosophy in Software Engineering

MS in Computer Science - Software Engineering and Architecture

圣玛丽大学圣安东尼奥分校 St Mary s University of San Antonio 0

Master of Science in Software EngineeringUS$14,060 a year

知识系统学院 Knowledge Systems Institute

M.S. in Computer and Information Sciences - Software EngineeringUS$7,560 a year



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