您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017新西兰留学坎特伯雷大学:管理学/工商管理硕士课程
新西兰教育联盟金牌留学专家李艳玲老师介绍,新西兰留学坎特伯雷大学-Master of Business Administration管理学/工商管理硕士课程介绍:
坎特伯雷大学(www.aoji.cn of Business Administration
学制:15个月,本科毕业,或者完成学士后文凭,没有学位的学生,要先读GD,GD均分不低于B,没有挂科的情况下,可以转到MBA课程。 至少5年相关管理工作经验,雅思7.0,单项不低于6.5,考GMAT550;
Core courses
These courses are designed to ensure mastery of knowledge that is critical to business success.
Candidates must complete all 12 core courses.
o Business Economics
o Innovative Business Strategy
o Leading Change
o Leading Others
o Leading Ourselves
o Leading Sustainable Enterprises
o Managerial Accounting
o Managerial Finance
o Managing people and performance
o Marketing principles
o Operations Management
o Strategy and International Business
Elective courses
Candidates must complete 6 electives. Not all of these electives are offered every year.
o Brand Management
o Business Law
o Corporate Governance
o Creative Leadership
o Entrepreneurship and Small Business
o International Business and Society
o International Business Negotiation
o International Business Strategy (study tour)
o Interpersonal Skills for Leaders
o Management of Information Systems and Technology
o Managing Quality
o Market Research
o project Management
o Sustainable Enterprises
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲