


2017/08/15 18:05:20 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:530 移动端



#1 Syracuse University, Maxwell School ofCitizenship and Public Affairs

The Maxwell School of Syracuse Universityis home to strong master s degree programs in public administration andinternational relations, in conventional and midcareer formats. Its MPA programis a professional degree program mainly designed for mid-career professionalsaiming to earn leadership or management positions in the government, non-profitorganizations or public sectors. The MPA program is grounded in a comprehensiveview of public service education that appreciates the need for three areas ofmastery: formulating, implementing and evaluating policy; leading and managingorganizations with diverse stakeholders; and applying rigorous and analysis toinform decision making.

Program: MPA

Tuition: $52066/year, 1 year


#2 Indiana University Bloomington, School of Public and Environmental Affairs

The School of Public and EnvironmentalAffairs (SPEA) provides an integrated two-year MPA program providing knowledgeand experience used by the professional in various roles within a changingsociety. The program helps students to address society s complex problems froman interdisciplinary perspective and prepares students to assume management andpolicy roles in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. The school not onlyhas its traditional strengths in public finance, public and non-profitmanagement and art administration, but also expertise in energy policy,sustainable development and the prevention of poverty.

Program: MPA

Tuition: $23164/year, 2 years


#3 Harvard University, John F. KennedySchool of Government

Harvard Kennedy School is known as thecradle of world leaders, with great reputation and expertise in educating andempowering individuals committed to advancing the public interest. Theschool provides both MPP and MPA degree programs to let students gain criticalskills for solving complex problems across sectors and disciplines. They learnto think deeply and broadly about public service and the impact policies haveon people, markets and institutions. They experience the nexus of academicrigor and real-world relevance. And they leave prepared to create positivesocial change.

Program: MPP, MPA

Tuition: $42868/year, 2 years


#4 University of Georgia, School of Public International Affairs

The School of Public InternationalAffairs at University of Georgia prepares students for good citizenship andcareers in public life, and trains future teachers and scholars in the field ofinternational affairs, political science, and public administration and policy.It offers a MPA program designed to develop professionals who can use theireducational experiences to work productively at all levels of public sectormanagement, as well as in research endeavors. The two-year MPA program isco-sponsored and supported by the UGA Carl Vinson Institute of Government(CVIOG). This partnership also affords students the opportunity to get involvedin the work of the Institute.

Program: MPA

Tuition: $991/hour, 41 semester hours


#5 Princeton University, Woodrow WilsonSchool of Public and International Affairs

The Woodrow Wilson School of Public andInternational Affairs at Princeton University is a leader in cultivatingall-round elites who master comprehensive knowledge and essential methodologyto tackle the complex public problems facing our society. The two-year MPAprogram offers rigorous preparation for international and domestic policycareers, cultivating among its students a strong and lasting commitment topublic service. Also, a one-year MPP program is designed to provide rigoroustraining in economic, behavioral and political analysis for mid-careerprofessionals with 7 or more years of public service experience.

Program: MPA (2 years), MPP (1 year)

Tuition: $42070/year


#6 New York University, Robert F. WagnerGraduate School of Public Service

NYU Wagner offers curricula coveringdomestic and international issues including nonprofit management, financialmanagement, public policy analysis, urban public policy studies, urbanplanning, and health policy and management. The Master of Public Administrationin Public and Nonprofit Management and Policy crosses traditional boundaries, equippingstudents with a set of frameworks and analytics that will serve them in themany roles, organizations and sectors their careers will span.

Program: MPA

Tuition: $1116/credit, 60credits


#6 University of California Berkeley, Richard Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy

The Goldman School of Public Policy preparesstudents for careers in public leadership. The majority of the students at GSPPare enrolled in the Masters of Public Policy program, which emphasizes theapplied and quantitative dimensions of policy making. MPP courses providestrong foundations in political decision making and law, and equip studentswith analytical tools and concepts, including microeconomic theory andstatistical modeling. Five electives, designed to allow students to focus on aparticular policy area, can be taken either at GSPP or elsewhere on theBerkeley campus.

Program: MPP

Tuition: $18284/semester, 4 semesters


#6 University of Southern California, Sol PriceSchool of Public Policy

The Price School trains students to solve society smost pressing issues including sustainability and the environment, healthcarerorm, immigration, infrastructure, urban development, social planning andpolicy, affordable housing and governance. Through its interdisciplinaryapproach, the school educates students to serve as innovators and leaders in their field. The school s degree programs draw on the expertise of facultyand practicing professionals to create a learning environment whose breadth anddepth sets the Price School apart from all schools of its kind.

Program: MPA, MPP

Tuition: $64803/2year(MPA), $75803/2year(MPP)


#9 Carnegie Mellon University, HeinzCollege, School of Public Policy Management

The Master of Science in Public Policy andManagement degree program at Carnegie Mellon University s Heinz College is atwo-year program educating future leaders who create and implement policy,manage organizations fectively, transform organizations, and develop newsolutions to important social issues. It has a generalist and skills-basedcurriculum that integrates information technology, quantitative analysis, andmanagement skills, which prepares students to solve complex policy problems.The MSPPM program has a DC Track (one year in Washington DC) and a Global Track(one year in Adelaide, Australia). Moreover, an accelerated one-year MSPPMprogram is designed for professionals with 3 or more years of experience.

Program: MSPPM

Tuition: $42000-44000/year, 2 years


#9 University of Kansas, School of PublicAffairs Administration

The School of Public Affairs andAdministration is home to the Edwin O. Stene Graduate Program in PublicAdministration, which aims to develop skilled leaders, innovators and problemsolvers who are ready to confront pressing social and economic challenges atthe local, state, national and international levels. The university ofKansas MPA offers 2 tracks: The Intern Track is designed for students withlittle public administration experience, preparing managers in localgovernment; the Career Track is designed for working professionals, preparingfuture leaders in public service.

Program: MPA

Tuition: $810/credit, 43 credits


#9 University of Washington, Daniel J. EvansSchool of Public Affairs

The Evans School is committed to improvingthe quality of public and nonprofit service, advancing scholarship and ideasthat strengthen public policy and management, as well as serving local,national and global communities and promoting thoughtful, civil, publicdeliberation. The Evans School s MPA program emphasizes fundamentals in policy analysisand management, while also allowing students to pursue a specialization.These concentrations include policy analysis, nonprofit management, leadershipand management, public finance, environment natural resources,international development and so on.

Program: MPA

Tuition: $31320/year, 2 years





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