

2017美国留学市场营销专业怎么样 看3方面

2017/08/15 11:31:47 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:324 移动端


2017美国留学市场营销专业怎么样 看3方面



Marketing adapts the analytical and behavioral theories commonly used in economics, psychology, sociology, and operations research and applies them to marketing problems. Potential areas of study range from analysis and modeling of consumer behavior to research in the decision-making processes of marketing organizations. Our marketing faculty and students approach the study of marketing from two distinct perspectives: a psychological, behavioral orientation and a quantitative, empirical one. The presence of two paradigms enriches the experiences of both groups.





Essays on Mergers and Acquisitions and Innovation, Yu Yu, Georgia State University

Thesis and Essays on Time Varying Consumer Prerences, Sungho Park, Arizona State University

The Effect of Novelty on Subsequent Choice and Prerences, Guergana P. Spassova, Monash University

Models of Competition in the U.S. Motion Picture Industry, Anirban Mukherjee,Singapore Management University

Essays on Pharmaceutical Marketing, Qiang Liu, Purdue University

Empirical Modesl for Assessing the Role of Brand Equity in Market Performance and Brand Bundling, Benjamin Kartono, Nanyang Technical University

Thesis and Essays on New Product Preannouncements:Firms Timing Decisions and Prediction of Individual Adoption Behavior, Meng Su, Peking University

Essays on Structural Analysis of Retail Competition using Classical and Bayesian Estimation Techniques, Sriram Venkataraman, Emory University

Happiness Increases Thoughts and Behavior Rlecting Fairness, Aparna Labroo,University of Chicago Graduate School of Business

Role of Rerence Points in Consumer Choice and Product Design:Bayesian Methods and Empirical Tests, Natasha Zhang Foutz, Univesity of Maryland

三、美国留学市场营销专业-PhD 申请简要要求:

Stipend amount:$34,000 津贴是34000美金

Full tuition waiver 所有费用减免

Inclusion in the university s health plan at no charge 免费的健康保险

Degree conferred is a Doctor of Philosophy in the field of Management, granted by Cornell University 学位授予

Application and Supplemental material deadline is December 15, 2015.截止日期是12月15日之前要把所有申请和补充材料送到学校。

To submit a complete application申请清单:

Complete the online application form 完整的在线申请

Submit two letters of recommendation 2封推荐信

Submit a copy of your transcripts from each institution

attended 成绩单

GRE - use school code 2098

GMAT - use school code 5811

TOEFL 托福要求:

Writing 20

Listening 15

Reading 20

Speaking 22

The Graduate School requires an overall band score of a 7.0 or higher on the IELTS. 雅思7.0


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