


2017/08/15 11:23:32 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:66 移动端

建筑学的毕业生具备建筑设计、城市设计、室内设计、市政设计等方面的知识和专业技能,能在设计部门从事各项设计工作,在房地产部门从事建筑策划与管理工作,并具有多种职业适应能力的通用型、复合型高级工程技术人才。下面澳际留学小编给大家分享美国UIUC建筑学硕士专业提供的建筑研究理学硕士学位(Master of Science in Architectural Studies),希望对留学申请有帮助。



Applicants who hold the five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree are considered to have earned the first professional degree. For those applicants, a one-year degree program has been developed emphasizing further study in depth of one optional area of concentration and/or participation in research, which is similar to the final year of the professional degree program.本项目针对有五年建筑本科背景的学生,设置一年的课程加深他们对建筑某一方向的学习或研究。


Thesis Option论文方向

Course List

Architectural Electives from dept. list建筑学选修 0-16

Electives选修 16

ARCH 599 Thesis Research (min/max applied toward degree)论文研究 0-16

Total Hours 32

Other Requirements1

Candidates must spend at least two semesters and earn at least half of the required graduate hours in residence.

Minimum 500-level Hours Required Overall: 12

Minimum GPA: 2.75

Non-Thesis Option非论文方向

Course List

Code Title Hours

Architectural Electives from dept. list建筑学选修 16

Electives选修 16

Other Requirements1

Candidates must spend at least two semesters and earn at least half of the required graduate hours in residence.

Minimum 500-level Hours Required Overall: 12

Minimum GPA: 2.75



GRE 不要求

TOEFL. 590 PBT, or 243CBT, or 96 IBT.

IELTS 6.5 /6.5

Portfolio Requirements:

A portfolio is required as part of the application materials for the MS programs. The portfolio should include both design work and written papers. Applicants should contact the chair of the program area of interest for specific materials to be included in an MS applicant s portfolio. This portfolio should demonstrate the applicant s creative abilities as well as the applicant s talent and skill level in academic writing.作品集应该包括设计作品和论文。申请者应该联系相关项目寻求具体材料要求。作品集应该证明申请者的创作能力和文学写作技能。

Portfolio content should meet the following minimum requirements:作品集内容应该满足以下最低要求:

Show at least six [6] different items completed as a student, professionally, or in extracurricular or personal study.学生时期或职业或课外6件作品。

Be organized chronologically, with the earliest items placed at the beginning of the portfolio and the most recently completed at the end.

Demonstrate an applicant s abilities and skill level in analytical thinking and graphic and written communication. A short explanatory narrative must accompany each entry.展示申请者在分析思考、图画和写作交流方面的能力。每个作品需要一个简短陈述。

Demonstrate attention to detail as appropriate for each item included展示每个作品的细节

To receive full consideration, any professional work should include a statement from the employer indicating the extent of the work performed by the applicant. All examples of work should state whether the project was completed individually or by a group. For projects completed by a group, the applicant must include a statement outlining the number of group members and the applicant s responsibilities as part of the group. 为了得到充分考虑,工作经历应该包括雇主的陈述表明申请者的工作表现。 设计课的作品应该表明项目是单独完成还是团队完成,团队的人数以及申请者本人在团队中负责的部分。

Portfolio Specifications:作品集规格

Required sizes: 8-1/2 x 11 [or A4] any other size will not be accepted.要求尺寸:8-1/2 x 11 [or A4],不接受其他尺寸

Maximum number of sheets of design work: 20 [40 numbered pages]最多20页

Maximum weight: 16 ounces.最重16盎司

Covers and binding: should be simple and easily lay flat. They need to be easy to open, read, and store. 封面和装订:应简单放平。易打开、阅读和存放。

关于伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 建筑研究理学硕士学位就为大家介绍到这里,希望对申请者能够有所帮助。如果有疑问或者感兴趣的话,可以打免费电话咨询澳际留学专家。

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