


2017/08/15 09:03:33 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:552 移动端


2017最新<a href='http://us.aoji.cn/converge/detail-mgdxcmzypm-1-1.html' target='_blank' style='color:#E95237'>美国大学传媒专业排名</a>


名列新闻与大众传播专业本科前五名的大学是:University of Missouri-Columbia, Northwestern University, Syracuse University, University of Minnesota, University of Illinois-Urbana- Champain。

名列新闻研究生院的前五名是:Columbia University, Northwestern University, University of Missouri-Columbia, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, University of Illinois-Urbana- Champain。


1、应用传播学:包括健康传播学,政治传播学, 公共关系学

APPLIED COMMUNICATION - Includes Health Communication, Political Communication, and Public Relations.

1 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication

2 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

3 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department

4 University of Maryland, College Park

5 Purdue University

6 Michigan State University - Communication Department

7 Stanford University

8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies

8 University of Arizona

10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

11 University of Oklahoma

12 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department

13 University of Kentucky

14 Arizona State University

15 Michigan State University - Mass Media #. Program

16 Ohio University - Interpersonal Communication Department

17 Pennsylvania State University

18 University of South Florida

19 University of Georgia - Speech Communication Department

20 University of California, Santa Barbara



1 West Virginia University

2 University of Washington

3 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department

4 Pennsylvania State University

5 University of Nebraska, Lincoln

6 University of Oklahoma

7 Kent State University

8 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

9 Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film

10 University of Missouri, Columbia

11 Wayne State University

12 University of New Mexico

13 New York University

14 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

15 University of Tennessee, Knoxville


COMMUNICATION THEORY RESEARCH - Includes Nonverbal Communication, Family Communication,Persuasion,Interpersonal Communication, and Small Group Communication

1 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

2 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department

3 Michigan State University - Communication Department

4 University of Wisconsin, Madison

5 University of Arizona

6 University of Iowa

7 Purdue University

8 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies

9 University of California, Santa Barbara

10 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication



1 University of Pennsylvania - Annenberg School for Communication

2 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Institute of Communications

3 University of Texas, Austin - Department of Radio-TV-Film

4 University of Iowa

5 University of Wisconsin, Madison

6 Northwestern University - Department of Radio-TV-Film

7 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

8 University of Massachusetts, Amherst

9 University of Utah

10 University of California, San Diego



1 Arizona State University

2 University of Hawaii, Manoa

3 Howard University

3 University of New Mexico

5 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

6 University of Oklahoma

7 University of Washington

8 University of California, Santa Barbara

9 University of California, San Diego

10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication



1 Purdue University

2 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

3 University of Colorado, Boulder

4 Michigan State University - Communication Department

5 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

6 University of Utah

7 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne - Speech Communication Department

8 University of Kansas

9 Arizona State University

10 Rutgers University


RHETORIC - Includes Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Criticism, and History of Rhetoric

1 University of Iowa

2 Northwestern University - Department of Communication Studies

3 University of Texas, Austin - Speech Communication Department

4 Pennsylvania State University

5 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Speech Communication Department

6 Indiana University - Speech Communication Department

7 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - Speech Communication Department

8 University of Wisconsin, Madison

9 University of California, Berkeley - Rhetoric Department

10 University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication



Journalism, newspapers, magazines

Television and radio programs and new forms of media

Politics, Arts Culture,

Business Economics, and Science.

Journalism and Public Life

Social Impact of Media, Economic

Legal, and Policy Aspects of Communication


Reporting New York

Reporting the Nation

Magazine Writing Program

News and Documentary

Business and Economic Reporting (BER)

Cultural Reporting and Criticism (CRC)

Science, Health and Environmental Reporting (SHERP)

Global and Joint Program Studies


Advertising 、Strategic Communication

Convergence Students with No Significant Media Experience

Convergence Students with Significant Experience in Strategic Communication

Convergence Students with Significant Experience as a Broadcast Journalist

Convergence Students With Significant Experience as a Print


Convergence Students with Significant Experience as a Photojournalist

Convergence Concentrations

Magazine Design 、Magazine Editing 、Magazine Writing 、News Design 、News Editing

News Reporting/Writing 、Photojournalism 、Visual Editing Management

Reporting with Television Emphasis; No Prior Broadcast Experience

Reporting with Radio Emphasis; No Prior Broadcast Experience 、Producing; No Prior Broadcast Experience

Reporting with Television Emphasis; Professional Broadcast Experience Required

In-Depth Reporting; Prior Broadcast Experience Required 、Investigative Reporting

International 、Environmental Reporting

Law and Conflict Resolution 、New Media 、News Media and Society 、Public Policy



Mass communications


Arts journalism

Broadcast journalism

Documentary film and history

Magazine, newspaper and online journalism

Media management;Media studies

New media;Photography

Public diplomacy;Public relations

Television, radio and film


纽约大学和哥伦比亚大学同样是以新闻报道而出名,所以他们的学科设置上也有很多相同之处,但是纽约大学与哥伦比亚大学相比更偏向于商业新闻报导这一领域。他的专业设置多以Business and Economic Reporting为主,并且在这一领域有很强的权威性。


雪城大学在美国是以文科著名的院校,全美排名50左右。传媒学校的计算机房全部采用的是苹果机,所以准备去那就读的学子们可以现在就开始适应下苹果机的操作系统了。并且她的传媒学校师资力量达到60名之多。可见其传媒学院之庞大。他们学院的Media Studies偏重于学术类,所以申请的本土人并不是很多,所以他们的这个专业每年有三分之一招收的都是中国学生,非常受中国学生的欢迎。


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