您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017美国最受欢迎商学院排名
要看一所大学是否受欢迎,其中有一个指标就是看它的新生报到率:即注册的新生人数和总录取人数的比例。根据132所美国大学商学院提供给usnews的数据,2011年秋季美国大学研究生商学院的新生报到率平均数值是55.4%。而最受欢迎的十所商学院的新生报到率的平均数为75.6%,比总体平均值高了二十个百分点。留学专家表示,Graziadio商学院不是唯一的 新面孔 ,前十商学院中其他新加入的还有麻省理工学院的斯隆商学院,阿拉巴马大学研究生商学院及犹他大学商学院。
As Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business constantly battle for the top spot in the U.S. News Best Business Schools rankings, often, they re also both very popular among those offered admission to the programs. One way to measure the popularity of a school is to calculate its yield the percentage of full-time applicants accepted to the institution who decide to enroll there.
For the fall 2010 entering class, Harvard was the most popular according to yield, and Stanford was second most popular. Once again, Harvard tops the list of most popular business schools among the fall 2011 entering class, but a different California institution is nipping at its heels this year. While Harvard s yield is 89.3 percent, the yield of Pepperdine University s Graziadio School of Business and Management is 89.1 percent. Graziadio, which didn t break into the top 10 most popular business schools list last year, displaced Stanford, which claims the No. 3 spot with a yield of 85.2 percent.
Of the 132 ranked business schools that submitted acceptance and enrollment data to U.S. News in a fall 2011 survey, the average yield of full-time applicants was 55.4 percent. The average yield among the top 10 most popular business schools was 20 percentage points higher 75.6 percent.
Graziadio isn t the only newcomer to this year s list of top 10 most popular business schools. Other institutions that weren t on last year s list include Massachusetts Institute of Technology s Sloan School of Management, University of Alabama s Manderson Graduate School of Business, and University of Utah s Eccles School of Business.
Schools designated by U.S. News as Unranked were excluded from this list. U.S. News did not calculate a numerical ranking for Unranked programs because the program did not meet certain criteria that U.S. News requires to be numerically ranked. In the table below, U.S. News did not include schools that accepted fewer than 100 applicants. Below are the 10 schools with the highest yield among accepted students for fall 2011:
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲