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美国的大学本科录取分三种形式:即具有约束力的 提前录取 (简称 ED )、不具约束力的 提前行动 (简称 EA )和 常规录取 (简称 RD ),前两种统称提前申请。因为针对性比较强,所以前两种的录取率往往较高,因此这两年受到了越来越多的关注。
The Early Line on Early Applications for the Class of 2016
Last update Nov.16, 5:40p.m. College may send updates to thechoicenyt@gmail.comEarly Applicants for Fall 2012Early Applicants for Fall 2011Pct Change in Apps Over 2011Pct of Early Applicants Accepted 2011Anticipated Freshman Class Size for Fall 2012
Universities with Binding Early Decision?????
Babson College(MA)25021217.92%54%470
Boston University(MA)1,05788319.71%42%3,900
Brown University(RI)2,9042,7535.48%19%1,500
Elon University(NC)40034416.28%85%1,400
Johns Hopkins(MD)1,4401,3307.64%?1,245
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute*(NY)603647-6.80%32%1,200
St. Lawrence(NY)12352136.54%?650
University of Pennsylvania4,5264,571-0.98%26.14%2,420
William Mary(Va.)1,1671,0768.46%49.8%1,470
Universities With Nonbing Early ActionEarly Applicants for Fall 2012Early Applicants for Fall 2011Pct Change in Apps Over 2011Pct of Early Applicants Accepted 2011Anticipated Freshman Class Size for Fall 2012
Babson College(MA)1,6751,37122.17%41%470
Binghamton University Suny5,1435,178-0.68%55%2,500
Case Western Reserve(OH)4,3003,70016.22%50%1,000
U. of Chicago8,6986,96024.97%??
Lewis Clark(OR)1,5471,26722.10%77%570
Notre Dame(IN)5,5905,3005.47%37%2,000
Restrictive/Single-Choice Early Action?????
The window for applying to many colleges and universities under early admission programs closed late Tuesday night. While it will be some time bore a dinitive statistical portrait emerges of this early admissions season,The Choice has been dutifully requesting application figures from a range of more than 100 institutions. The chart above, which we ll be updating regularly as other figures trickle in, represents the equivalent of early returns in an election, with results from two dozen precincts.
上个周二,美国大学提前录取的申请已经截止了。如果能够看到确切的统计数据,目前来说还是需要一点时间的。纽约时报的the choice栏目忠实的为大家收集了超过100所机构的申请数据。上面的那个图表会随着数据的增加持续更新。
Such programs have been hotly-debated in academic circles for years. Some high school counselors argue that they unnecessarily speed up students decision process, favor the savvy (including those with access to the most sophisticated college counseling) and in the case of so-called binding early decision plans restrict applicants forts to compare financial aid offers (because students applying to binding programs agree in advance to enroll if accepted). The colleges and universities (and many students) have a different take: such programs reward those applicants and institutions that are willing to make a dinitive decision early in the admissions process. It is not unusual for a private college to admit a quarter or more of its freshman class early.
If the figures gathered thus far are any indication, such programs are continuing to grow in popularity this fall, despite a sluggish economy that would otherwise seem to give families reason to hedge their bets. But every year serves as a reminder that the quest to get into the nation s most competitive private colleges is often immune to the economic pressures on many families.
For example, applications under binding early decision programs increased by 20 percent at Boston University, to 1,057; by 15 percent at Northwestern, to 2,450; by 5.5 percent at Brown, to almost 3,000 (for a total freshman class of 1,500); by nearly 4 percent at Cornell, to 3,609; and by 8 percent at William Mary, to 1,167. The Choice reported last weekthat applications to Duke s binding early decision program were up 23 percent, and that the comparable figure at Johns Hopkins was 15 percent.
比如,在美国大学ED申请中,波士顿大学增加了百分之二十,东北大学增加了百人之十五,布朗大学增加了百分之五点五,康奈尔大学增加了百分之四,威廉玛丽学院增加了百分之八,杜克大学增加了百分之二十三,约翰 霍普金斯大学增加了百分之十五。
While applications to most colleges reporting thus far whether under early decision or non-binding early action are up, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said applications under its early action program had fallen nearly 5 percent, to 6,100; and Rensselaer Polytechnic and the University of Pennsylvania said applications under its binding early decision programs had fallen by 7 percent and just under 1 percent, respectively.
In the case of UPenn, several factors appeared to be in play, Eric J. Furda, the dean of admissions, said in an interview. One was that the university was coming off a nearly 20 percent increase in early applications in 2010, when compared to 2009. I feel we re approaching an upper limit, Mr. Furda said, citing the national economy as a prod.
宾夕法尼亚大学的招生主任Eric J. Furda在接受采访时表示,该校申请人数2010年与2009年相比几乎增加了百分之二十。
But he also acknowledged that UPenn had likely lost several dozen potential early applicants to Princeton and Harvard, each of which restored early admission programs this fall after a four-year hiatus. The Princeton and Harvard programs are not binding (students who are accepted early can wait until as late as May 1 to decide whether to attend) but students are prohibited from applying early to any other private college. The Choice reported last week that Princeton had received more than 3,500 applications under its so-called single choice early action program. We ll be sure to pass along figures from Harvard as soon as we receive them.
但宾夕法尼亚大学的Eric J. Furda同时也表示,自己在提前提前录取申请中损失部分学生,因为他们申请了哈佛大学或者普林斯顿。普林斯顿和哈佛的提前录取不是binding的(学生可以在五月一日再决定是否接受录取),但是这些学生被禁止提前申请其他的私立大学。普林斯顿大学在 single choice 提前申请中有3500名学生报名。我们如果得到消息,会给大家提供哈佛大学的招生人数。
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