


2017/08/14 17:02:09 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:622 移动端

爱达荷州 (Idaho--ID) 美国西北部一州。北与加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省接壤,南界犹他州和内华达州,东邻蒙大拿州和怀俄明州,西接华盛顿州和俄勒冈州。面积216413平方公里,相当于新英格兰地区6个州总面积的一倍,在50州内列第13位。人口1,466,465 (2006年)。下面是教育部认可的美国爱达荷州(Idaho)大学名单。


Albertson College of Idaho (Caldwell)

American Institute of Health Technology (Boise)

Boise Bible College (Boise)

Boise State University (Boise)

Brigham Young University - Idaho (Rexburg)

Career Beauty College (Rexburg)

College of Southern Idaho (Twin Falls)

Cosmetology School of Arts and Sciences, LLC (Burley)

Court Reporting Institute (Boise)

Eastern Idaho Technical College (Idaho Falls)

Headmasters School of Hair Design (Boise)

The Headmasters School of Hair Design (Coeur D Alene)

Headmasters School of Hair Design (Lewiston)

Idaho State University (Pocatello)

ITT Technical Institute (Boise)

Lewis-Clark State College (Lewiston)

Mr. Juan s College of Hair Design (Twin Falls)

Mr. Leon s School of Hair Design (Lewiston)

Mr. Leon s School of Hair Design (Moscow)

New Images Academy, Inc. (Boise)

New Saint Andrews College (Moscow)

North Idaho College (Coeur d Alene)

Northwest Lineman College (Meridian)

Northwest Nazarene University (Nampa)

Razzle Dazzle College of Hair Design (Nampa)

Sage Technical Services (Coeur d Alene)

The School of Hairstyling (Chubbuck)

University of Idaho (Moscow)


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